Message from @Punished Ggnome

Discord ID: 542738634210803712

2019-02-06 16:01:51 UTC  

>No cert of authenticity even though it is legit

2019-02-06 16:02:27 UTC  

"authentic models" that's... wow

2019-02-06 16:02:28 UTC  

Having to certify your model is official is pure autism

2019-02-06 16:02:49 UTC  

Thunderhawks used to be the most expensive model FW made

2019-02-06 16:02:56 UTC  

Thus they got a certificate. Titans did too

2019-02-06 16:03:02 UTC  

As long as you're playing the rules of the unit and paying the points cost, who cares if it's authentic or a tupperware container with sharpie graphics on it?

2019-02-06 16:03:08 UTC  

Mine is actually a near mint condition caster reject from FW official

2019-02-06 16:03:18 UTC  

Because my mate was friends in the wild west early 2000s era with half the staff there

2019-02-06 16:03:38 UTC  

Obviously, anywhere GW affiliated, I cannot share that story

2019-02-06 16:04:08 UTC  

Here I am boutta buy a recast warhound titan for lulz

2019-02-06 16:04:49 UTC  

@RoflTank the rules do because the Tupperware container wont have the right line of sight dimensions or hull size so it'd abuse the rules

2019-02-06 16:05:32 UTC  

Also @Hoosier Behemoth that's actually something I'm really wary about buying a recast of coz they send the whole authenticity certificate thing with a production number and shit. It bothers me.

2019-02-06 16:05:49 UTC  

You are never asked for it

2019-02-06 16:05:50 UTC  


2019-02-06 16:06:29 UTC  

Yeah and if someone asks to certify just tell em to fuck off

2019-02-06 16:06:32 UTC  

maybe at tourney

2019-02-06 16:06:44 UTC  

that big gay tho

2019-02-06 16:09:15 UTC  

I also never got a certificate or anything for my 2 deredos or leviathan

2019-02-06 16:09:22 UTC  

Those are too small dude

2019-02-06 16:09:29 UTC  

Only Thunderhawks and Titans, as I said

2019-02-06 16:09:33 UTC  

The items that prove you are a whale

2019-02-06 16:09:42 UTC  

That system is going away though, it was a early 2000s thing

2019-02-06 16:09:42 UTC  

Local tourneys don't care. I've played in a couple but like state tourneys run by GW? They're super anal. I've heard stories that you can't proxy units. Like you can't sub Tac Marines as Assault Marines even.

2019-02-06 16:09:54 UTC  

Yeah again autism

2019-02-06 16:09:57 UTC  

40k is best with friends

2019-02-06 16:09:59 UTC  

Fuck tournaments

2019-02-06 16:10:05 UTC  

Just a bunch of cheaters an WAACS

2019-02-06 16:10:10 UTC  

Also pedos

2019-02-06 16:10:27 UTC  

Kill team is the best thing that has happened to the hobby besides specialist games. Change my mind

2019-02-06 16:10:33 UTC  

You can't

2019-02-06 16:10:52 UTC  

The only thing better than 40k is deep striking your tau opponent's mom in bed

2019-02-06 16:12:24 UTC  

Don't you mean your Tau opponent's dad? If Tau players had Mom's they wouldn't be playing Tau.

2019-02-06 16:14:32 UTC  

We got a tau player at our store who legit stinks like a fish

2019-02-06 16:14:51 UTC  

Bet his moms ass gives you stink dick too

2019-02-06 16:14:54 UTC  

But you'd still do it

2019-02-06 16:14:59 UTC  

You fucking degen

2019-02-06 16:15:20 UTC  

Digging the new name Magos

2019-02-06 16:15:23 UTC  

I love it

2019-02-06 16:15:26 UTC  

Yeah so did we until the owner legit sprayed him with a hose and tossed dish soap on him and told him to take a shower or never come back.
He never came back

2019-02-06 16:15:35 UTC  


2019-02-06 16:15:36 UTC  

Who would win