Message from @Blood Rose

Discord ID: 543231458240757795

2019-02-07 04:50:18 UTC  

I need to finish my IW and stop looking at Necrons

2019-02-07 04:50:44 UTC  

I threw together a list using a lot of what I already own and a few things I'd like to have and goddammit the temptation is real

2019-02-07 04:57:01 UTC  

Im still gearing up for the new GSC releases

2019-02-07 04:57:21 UTC  

though idk if they'll ever see their way to the table, I havent played in a while, let alone painted anything

2019-02-07 07:26:37 UTC  

I'm really annoyed at the GSC codex

2019-02-07 07:26:58 UTC  

like on one hand it's amazing, I love all the new models they're getting and the idea of a bunch of support characters

2019-02-07 07:27:17 UTC  

but then there's some shit in there that's just flaunting the fucking rules

2019-02-07 07:32:55 UTC  

which GSC fanboy sucked the design teams' cocks to get 12" heavy flamers

2019-02-07 21:18:43 UTC  

So my drunk ass self sees the Assassin on the base of my Marauder and goes "You know what, thats a cool mech"
One cleaver later and I am now restoring an Assassin

2019-02-07 23:03:01 UTC  


2019-02-08 00:19:32 UTC  

You are retarded

2019-02-08 00:19:47 UTC  

You literally could get an assassin for 2 to 4 dollars

2019-02-08 00:20:04 UTC  

Goos luck lmao

2019-02-08 00:25:55 UTC  

This is why I dont drink rum whilst hobbying

2019-02-08 00:26:09 UTC  

On a side note, this is yet another use for my cleaver I now know

2019-02-08 00:27:39 UTC  

Actually, including shipping, the Assassin costs $13.92

2019-02-08 00:27:55 UTC  

*I got curious*

2019-02-08 00:40:12 UTC  

@Blood Rose Lance pack, they're literally like 4 bucks

2019-02-08 00:40:22 UTC  

And also if you got the starter set, again it's a few bucks of cheap ass plastic

2019-02-08 00:40:43 UTC  

I would have just given you one lmao

2019-02-08 00:47:52 UTC  

Lance pack has Assassins?

2019-02-08 00:48:04 UTC  

Nah, there about the same price as above for the cheapest rn

2019-02-08 00:48:11 UTC  

The Support one doesnt even exist

2019-02-08 01:03:53 UTC  

Eh that's cause they are OOP

2019-02-08 01:03:57 UTC  

I'm telling you it used to be cheap

2019-02-08 01:04:00 UTC  

I have a resin MWO assassin

2019-02-08 01:04:02 UTC  

smh rart

2019-02-08 01:04:05 UTC  

2019-02-08 01:04:13 UTC  

Restore her, your drunk self started this fight

2019-02-08 01:04:16 UTC  

Now finish the fight

2019-02-08 01:04:34 UTC

2019-02-08 01:29:07 UTC  


2019-02-08 01:29:21 UTC  

But being the SSW autist I am I have had to play around

2019-02-08 12:32:53 UTC  

Anyone want to buy a Contemptor

2019-02-08 12:33:06 UTC

2019-02-08 12:33:33 UTC  

Cleaning up my cabinet again so I can move in my AT models

2019-02-08 12:36:54 UTC  

Is that a twin-linked autocannon?

2019-02-08 18:23:04 UTC

2019-02-08 19:12:15 UTC  
