Message from @Blood Rose

Discord ID: 543548777332473866

2019-02-08 00:48:11 UTC  

The Support one doesnt even exist

2019-02-08 01:03:53 UTC  

Eh that's cause they are OOP

2019-02-08 01:03:57 UTC  

I'm telling you it used to be cheap

2019-02-08 01:04:00 UTC  

I have a resin MWO assassin

2019-02-08 01:04:02 UTC  

smh rart

2019-02-08 01:04:05 UTC  

2019-02-08 01:04:13 UTC  

Restore her, your drunk self started this fight

2019-02-08 01:04:16 UTC  

Now finish the fight

2019-02-08 01:04:34 UTC

2019-02-08 01:29:07 UTC  


2019-02-08 01:29:21 UTC  

But being the SSW autist I am I have had to play around

2019-02-08 12:32:53 UTC  

Anyone want to buy a Contemptor

2019-02-08 12:33:06 UTC

2019-02-08 12:33:33 UTC  

Cleaning up my cabinet again so I can move in my AT models

2019-02-08 12:36:54 UTC  

Is that a twin-linked autocannon?

2019-02-08 18:23:04 UTC

2019-02-08 19:12:15 UTC  


2019-02-08 20:10:39 UTC  

@Ringleader064 ***INDEFINITELY***

2019-02-08 21:48:47 UTC  

If a brick still stands then its not shelled enough

2019-02-09 00:05:05 UTC  

Assassin ASN-Hunter

Mass: 40 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3056
Cost: 5,800,480 C-Bills
Battle Value: 779

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 280 Light Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Unknown
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
1 Medium Laser
1 LRM-5
1 SRM-2
1 Small Pulse Laser
1 Retractable Blade
1 Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

2019-02-09 00:05:28 UTC  

'Hunter' suffers from the following quirks:

Multitrac, Improved Sensors, Accurate Weapon (Retractable Blade), Prototype,
Poor Cooling Jacket (Small Pulse Laser), Difficult Ejection, None-standard
parts (Engine).

2019-02-09 00:06:04 UTC  

Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 67 points 4.00
Engine: Light Fusion Engine 280 12.00
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 4 Standard
Jump Jet Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL 2.00
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 10 0.00
Gyro: Standard 3.00
Cockpit: Small 2.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA

2019-02-09 00:06:06 UTC  

Armor: Standard Armor AV - 80 5.00

Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 13
Center Torso (rear) 4
L/R Torso 10 11
L/R Torso (rear) 2
L/R Arm 6 6
L/R Leg 10 8

Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
TAG HD 0 1 1.00
Guardian ECM Suite CT 0 2 1.50
LRM-5 RT 2 1 2.00
Small Pulse Laser RT 2 1 1.00
SRM-2 LT 2 1 1.00
Medium Laser RA 3 1 1.00
Retractable Blade LA - 3 2.50
@LRM-5 (24) RT

2019-02-09 15:03:41 UTC  

Oh fucking oath cunt nice

2019-02-09 15:03:43 UTC  

Battlescribe it is

2019-02-09 15:03:48 UTC  

Okay laddies

2019-02-09 15:04:02 UTC  

🅰 or 🇧

2019-02-09 15:04:21 UTC

2019-02-09 15:04:27 UTC

2019-02-09 15:13:42 UTC  


2019-02-09 15:14:19 UTC  

I'm thinking so too

2019-02-09 15:14:25 UTC  

@Autistic Frog Thinks so too

2019-02-09 15:14:37 UTC  

I don't know why I bothered lmao, seems 2 is overwhelmingly better.

2019-02-09 15:14:41 UTC  


2019-02-09 15:14:43 UTC  


2019-02-09 15:14:44 UTC  

I took like 10 fucking images, one was amazing but, blurry

2019-02-09 15:14:55 UTC  

I would have used it sadly RIP

2019-02-09 15:15:05 UTC  

Shit was freezing my hands in the rain

2019-02-09 15:15:22 UTC  
