Message from @quant

Discord ID: 531228648863432705

2019-01-05 09:09:10 UTC  

apparently some gfgfags are getting pastafloof a lot more now

2019-01-05 09:09:16 UTC  

i just blame RNG in this case

2019-01-05 09:09:36 UTC  

then again, i just tried HP for the hell of it to see if i get lucky. lmao oh well.,

2019-01-05 09:14:31 UTC  

Yeah you’ve got rsc to spare ur fine lmao

2019-01-05 09:47:03 UTC  

>there’s still people that didn’t get pasta when she first came out

2019-01-05 10:09:08 UTC  


2019-01-05 10:09:16 UTC  


2019-01-05 11:31:37 UTC

2019-01-05 11:31:47 UTC  

Maw there's a weird fuckin cat in the garden

2019-01-05 16:13:34 UTC

2019-01-05 16:13:36 UTC  

chocolate bunny get, i guess

2019-01-05 16:48:54 UTC  


2019-01-05 16:49:02 UTC  


2019-01-05 21:43:24 UTC  


2019-01-05 21:43:26 UTC  


2019-01-05 21:43:27 UTC  


2019-01-05 21:43:50 UTC  

I got 2 Uzi, 2 416 and a choco bunny from my HP builds

2019-01-05 21:43:54 UTC  

Rate up is a lie

2019-01-05 21:49:54 UTC  

I pulled 2 Shrimps randomly while rolling for MGs

2019-01-05 21:52:42 UTC  

I've pulled many MGs

2019-01-05 21:52:59 UTC  

3 Negevs consinged to scrap

2019-01-05 21:53:03 UTC  

I want ameli damn it

2019-01-05 21:53:08 UTC  

Some more Amelie ^)

2019-01-05 21:53:14 UTC  

Got the rape bitch as well

2019-01-05 21:53:22 UTC  

Think only MG I'm missing now is SAW

2019-01-05 21:53:29 UTC

2019-01-05 21:53:36 UTC  

SAW is difficult to get though

2019-01-05 21:53:40 UTC  

i'll get negev later

2019-01-05 21:53:48 UTC  

I'll never use her lol

2019-01-05 21:53:57 UTC  

Negevs more of the status thing, shes more of a niche gun

2019-01-05 21:53:57 UTC  

I just want her cause I got the saw event skin

2019-01-05 21:53:59 UTC  

she is a trophy

2019-01-05 21:54:02 UTC  

she is useless

2019-01-05 21:54:08 UTC  

Theres a couple of missions/bosses that you need her for

2019-01-05 21:54:15 UTC  

But thats it really

2019-01-05 21:54:18 UTC  


2019-01-05 21:54:49 UTC  

Much , much, later on

2019-01-05 21:54:56 UTC  


2019-01-05 21:54:58 UTC  

I mean, even without that her ability is nice

2019-01-05 21:55:29 UTC  

But on an MG is questionable as nothing we have right now warrants building a defensive-MG echelon in order to take advantage of it.

2019-01-05 23:52:41 UTC  

I just think she looks goofy tbh