Message from @assidbass
Discord ID: 549603520400326674
do that
that's fucking meta as shit chief
I love it
That's a great idea
People would buy it
I want a <:Soppu:525022972147400724> mousepad
How much do they cost for how many
I know standard mousepads are dirt cheap to print
dunno about oppai pads
Second for <:Soppu:525022972147400724> mousepad
Please do not
"Moshi moshi! I am the virgin mother desu."
I don't like this
in how deep pain did the artist have to be when he decided it's cool to draw this
*christian weebs*
*desu vult*
not again
Not just christian... orthodox Christian
I'm fine with this
Is this the fucking Futa place?
Wait what?
I'm lost
That's the place that did a futa meme
They had a sign that was like Try our ~~futa~~ feta cheese" or something
Season 2 was pretty shit @Sadmin buy this and post about it on facebook
Season 3 when?
Movie first @FUGUBARAKUN <:realshit:455503183121219596>