Message from @blyat
Discord ID: 485272839805730835
Everything German was aesthetic, I swear they wanted form over function half the time
The Ju87 with the sirens
I mean, malfunction killed more german aces in Africa than enemy pilots ever did
Because they assumed that the Bf-109 didn’t need to be adapted for desert conditions
What a blunder that turned out to be
Tfw the Luftwaffe wasn't functioning around 1944
There were so many blunders
What is war without mistakes
There's the Human element
Sure, if you consider boxes and being goth aesthetic
Best aesthetics tho
You know what's best aesthetic?
Vietnam war is in my top 2 war aesthetics
like the vietnam footage makes it look aesthetic but I could never really get behind it
I almost have my RTO impression done
But my M16 is broke
Desert storm is on my list
Did they still use PRC77s in desert storm?
SINCGARs were being phased in
So that's a no?
as a whole I believe PRC77s were still in existence
Radios are fucking rad
Also, Rhodie G3
Who’s ready for Rhodesia part 2?
Yeet, radios are neet
Why I'm doing RTO
Plus i want to be special
Not just straight leg Infantry
Sup fags
New phone who dis