Message from @Stubbs
Discord ID: 489229335887216641
Does the P226 have a tilting barrel>
tilting as in?
Does the barrel tilt like a 1911
Or is the barrel fixed?
Almost all Sigs are browning tilting barrels.
its weirder to find a pistol with a fixed barrel now
some berretta's do
What's everybody opinion on best CLP spray
I just bought my first can and gave my Garand and M16 a good and proper scrub
For the love of Christ no
WD40 for a Hi-Point maybe, and it’ll do in a pinch
Otherwise, try to get a bottle of the Hoppes 9 Elite stuff
Wd40 is not a lubricant
It is a rust inhibitor
It stands for water displacement
I use Balistol, And Break Free in a pinch, both have worked well for me, but break Free leaves behind a film thats really hard to get off if you dont want it on the Grip or wherever
but it isnt a war crime if nobody is alive to witness it
Has anyone sold parts to Numrich before?
basic bitches be like
So should I go ahead and get my circle 10 bulgy parts kit put together that I’ve been procrastinating for months or should I impulse buy a brand new CZ scorpion evo pistol with a SB brace and procrastinate my AK build even more.
An ak build shouldn't take more than a day or two
Not doing it my self, I work too much as it is.
This photo in it's entirety is about as accurate as BF5s interpretation of WWII
@Sadmin post video of shooting hurricane with FAL and FG42 at same time
your fucked