Message from @Nic386
Discord ID: 503731133876404233
so what if we give the weird fight light scr a magpul drum
like the 40 rounder
what is this
>inb4 sonar shite
‘Doors weighed 300 ton, so we cut our own entrance.’ - Reads the note on the back of the photo, explaining the dark patch in line with the right hand column. The tanks of B Company, 5th Battalion Tank Corps are dwarfed by the Zeppelin hanger at Bichendorf in Cologne, their base between May 1920 and May 1921. We can see 15 of their 16 machines.
fuckin neat
ww1 is an underappreciated aesthetic
>Pure Sex
Pick one
I’ll allow it
It doesn’t operate like any 1911 I’ve ever seen
How does it not operate normally, how is it different?
It's a Roller delayed blowback.
Korth PRS
Ian did a video on it a while back.
@Nic386 how could you look at that and think it’s a regular 1911 when the slide is nothing alike
Have you ever seen a 1911 with the slide back
Because the whole barrel is different
Many times
It really isn't
That does not look like a regular 1911
I handle 1911s for 30 hours a week, I know what one looks like faggot
I handle my dick that much too, doesn’t mean I know what other ones look like
Apparently you do
It's a Mach comp you fag
Wow it's not the same there's a little thin on the end SO DIFFERENT
Still a basic bitch 1911
If the internals are different that something else, but in the outside it looks like a Normal 1911 that has had some aesthetic changes
It's not a match comp
the PRS has a fixed barrel, so that front bit keeps the barrel in place.
Ok, but just looking at it, without knowing what it is, you couldn't tell that. And that's why Reichtangle is being such a faggot
It’s a roller-Delayed 1911