Message from @CNA Bitchboi
Discord ID: 526508180994523157
>not using wood and polymer at the same time
What’s up with the tortillas?
It shoots them
What are you retarded
What the fuck is wrong with you
Go eat real food
that would mean getting dressed and leaving my basement dwelling
I'm also doing laundry so I really have nothing to wear aside from OD pants and strichtarn shirt
This is a thing
What in oblivion is that
It's what that guy had in that simpsons episode
So I found these things inside my arisaka because I was cleaning it and I have no idea what they do or where the go
That's always concerning when you end up with more parts when you're putting your gun back together than when you had it taken apart.
From what I can tell my guns ok
Good news from what I can tell it’s not anything necessary
I just shot it to make sure it works
And it still shot
That is literally a thing you should not do lmao
"Hm there is this random part that came out of my gun that I don't know where it should go"
lmao let's just shoot it to make sure it works
Type 99?
Also yeah not a good idea to test fire with a random part missing
Looked through the Arisaka parts list and couldn't find anything
@CNA Bitchboi Type 99?
I've had mine completely apart and don't remember ever seeing those
unless its a part of the stock
perhaps cleaning rod guides?
Oh shit I just realized that the picture actually shows two of the same part, I glanced at it and it looked as if it was one part
screw bushings
Those do look like bushings