Message from @CNA Bitchboi
Discord ID: 526524782968176657
Also yeah not a good idea to test fire with a random part missing
Looked through the Arisaka parts list and couldn't find anything
@CNA Bitchboi Type 99?
I've had mine completely apart and don't remember ever seeing those
unless its a part of the stock
perhaps cleaning rod guides?
Oh shit I just realized that the picture actually shows two of the same part, I glanced at it and it looked as if it was one part
screw bushings
Those do look like bushings
Then certainly he didn't fuck up anything did he?
hard to say
I don't remember having those
but my stock is an early war stock
I'm not familiar with the Arisaka but it could have some parts that fit incorrectly?
@CNA Bitchboi Don't be the big dumb and shoot your gun when you still have parts left from disassembly. Fucking hell you dingdong.
Lmao yeah those are the things
Fucking hell
Oh well I didnt die
Put a gold star on your helmet
I'm to sober to deal with you retards today.
Start early, day drink with me
You really do.
Also @Mangy is that part just screw blushings
I'd go through the Arisaka page to make sure both parts are absolutely 100% correct
Will do
What the fuck is that in the cylinder
No clue
Busted it right open though
What the fuck
@Mangy thanks for telling me to check the schematic it was indeed the screw bushings
No problem, GunPartsCorp makes it easy to find these things