Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 280875402875109376
it is
So are you a goat kinda guy?
You need complex amino acids, creatine, b12, iron and zinc, cholesterol etc
Or do you have enough land for cows?
I hunt an animal per year
I eat meat 5 times per month
My brother had chickens
I follow the okinawa diet
Because he asked
I did
I have chickens
Should be eating more meat than that desu
It's indifferent really
As long as you keep ferritin levels up you are good, 5 times per month works best
Thanks Redguard
Trying to be evil?
I'm honestly just really tired and wanted to trigger some of you guys before I would go to bed.
I am not
But from what I can see, everyone other than you in the bunker is afk.
Eh its jsut you and me
And the mess officer.
Anyway, going to bed.
See you guys.
yo anyone have a cutout of the autistic screeching guy
need it
Rule Britainina?
When was this?