Message from @Reichtangle
Discord ID: 487056283946450944
I kid
You are *wrong*
They make them new at the factory in 5.56 dude
I’m kidding
Is it the 103 or 104 that’s 5.56?
Also, the M14 is just, like
Not ideal
The Galil, Valmet, and the Beryl are the only good 5.56 AK's, if I buy a russian gun it's going to be in a russian caliber.
The gas system is massive
I don't keep up with most export variants.
I just want a modern Russian in 7.62x39
I’ll never have one
If I move to the states I’d love a 7.62 RPK
Maybe if you'd ditch your shitty cucked country and move to free one
5.45 isn’t my thing, but I do respect the 74
>implying that isn’t the plan
5.45 > 7.62x39
I fuck with both
The 74 is better
By far
I’d just like something closer to an AKM because it’s the one I like
The 7.62 round is still best for an RPK though.
With that much weight it’s probably got no recoil
Isn’t yours 7.62?
It's bouncy.
I'll find a pic
The list of AK’s I really want is kinda short and pretty much all 7.62x39
But I want an M14 pistol
An MIPKM clone
Russian RPK clone
7.62 Galil
7.62 Valmet or RK95 clone (pls god)
And then like, a 74M with sidefolder and plum handguaed
I'll be getting either a dogleg rail and a T1 or a gas tube rail and an rmr
A Yugo?
What’s the major differences between them and a Russian?
I know on the rifle it’s pretty much everything is different spec