Message from @π“π“π“˜π“šπ“—π“£π“žπ“’

Discord ID: 484722792256897025

mousoline doen a coup

hitler make a vote in the parlament

2018-08-30 13:48:43 UTC  

so the people voted for him to become fuhrer?

and the parliament vote d to make him a dictator

2018-08-30 13:48:50 UTC  


mousolini done the great march, went with thousand sin rome and took power by force

and also mousolini was not a dictator

all the decision were voted in a council

so he could be overun

and if you know history he was not only overrun by the council but removed and put in house arrest

mousolini always wanted to re birth the romans empire so making the new senate bite him in the ass later

hitler in the other hand did not answe ro no one

so wher eyou see any similarities??

apart that both had support from a big portion of the people??

or you want to say that all revolutions that have public support are bad and evil??

2018-08-30 13:54:13 UTC  

''The Centre Party's Heinrich BrΓΌning was Chancellor from 1930 to 1932. BrΓΌning and Hitler were unable to reach terms of co-operation, but BrΓΌning himself increasingly governed with the support of the President and Army over that of the parliament.''

2018-08-30 13:54:17 UTC  

''he 84-year-old President von Hindenburg, a conservative monarchist, was reluctant to take action to suppress the Nazis, while the ambitious Major-General Kurt von Schleicher, as Minister handling army and navy matters hoped to harness their support.''

2018-08-30 13:54:51 UTC  

''With Schleicher's backing, and Hitler's stated approval, Hindenburg appointed the Catholic monarchist Franz von Papen to replace BrΓΌning as Chancellor in June 1932. Papen had been active in the resurgence of the Harzburg Front.He had fallen out with the Centre Party. He hoped ultimately to outmaneuver Hitler.''

2018-08-30 13:55:13 UTC  

''At the July 1932 Elections, the Nazis became the largest party in the Reichstag, yet without a majority. Hitler withdrew support for Papen and demanded the Chancellorship. He was refused by Hindenburg''

von paapen was not in the nazi party

2018-08-30 13:55:26 UTC  

who said that?

you just copy text that has no menaing ot you

2018-08-30 13:55:36 UTC  

oh really

2018-08-30 13:55:48 UTC  

i posted the wiki but you dont even want to read it

and he never become chancellor

2018-08-30 13:55:53 UTC  

so am posting the text

this article is BULLCOKS

2018-08-30 13:56:04 UTC  

oh really

he becoem prime minister

when old hidenburg died hitler took his place

there was no other chancellor

2018-08-30 13:56:56 UTC  


2018-08-30 13:56:57 UTC  


2018-08-30 13:57:34 UTC  

Franz von Papen
1 June 1932 17 November 1932

2018-08-30 13:58:06 UTC  

oh really

i do tno knwo what they show but it is nto the chanceloors