Message from @lyndeb
Discord ID: 484151140804460564
Lots of military equipment moving eastbound near my home 10 days ago... Not sure if this is important or not...
I have a friend that only wears red shoes
Be back in a few 55,907 Online users in the last 24 hours.
@RAKRail The petition argues that “synthetic ‘beef’ and ‘beef’ grown in laboratories using animal cells, known as ‘in vitro’ meat, ‘bio meat,’ ‘clean meat,’ or ‘cultured meat,’ which are not derived from animals born, raised, and harvested in the traditional manner, should not be permitted to be marketed as ‘beef,’ or more broadly as ‘meat’ products.”
33 posts so far
wow...LOLA needs a
Before sodium levels drop into ranges that can be called hyponatremia, muscle cramps and twitches may occur
Way to go @2pulo 🍯 !!!
going over to the scif meeting.
Be there in a few Pita
Thanks @NavyFireChefmom 😃