Message from @lyndeb
Discord ID: 484167749548113921
wow...LOLA needs a
Before sodium levels drop into ranges that can be called hyponatremia, muscle cramps and twitches may occur
Way to go @2pulo 🍯 !!!
going over to the scif meeting.
Be there in a few Pita
Thanks @NavyFireChefmom 😃
The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.
Aliens are coming!
Who is this strange lady's voice that talks a lot?
Where I used to work
anyone else think the US economy is going to collapse?
not in like
2 years
but in like 10 years
55.1% Kevin Stitt 118,176
What was said about Huber?
he told huber to write his office regarding ohr and he would send the transcript and make his job easy!
Goodnight @jakee528