Message from @lyndeb
Discord ID: 484864264272609282
What on earth is going on???
Q doing it?
Anyone looking the planes?
No more spying??? I'm firing up ADS-B now
2018 post <:alien:479071438586904576>
4 c-5 up, dont usually see that many
couple b-52 up in Texas
@FrozenFish 2018 will be glorious...... you thinking post 2018?
Just pulled in ...bbs
so all the dwarves are down now? that must put a kink in the cabal's plans
Notice the McCain arrival in DC is same time as rally?
same time as trump took off
they landed aftr trump took off
What's big bird?
@FrozenFish invisible flying supercarrier ala iron man run by the cabal
If you are wondering what Corona is, click below... …
Beat me to it @FrozenFish
Always 2 steps ahead 😜
@FrozenFish my meme library is pretty skinny... cept for the ones that get me flamed on the