Message from @DizzzyR
Discord ID: 649410543978807306
At some point we won't need sleep.
26ms. Nice.
Cucumbers haven't phazed any of my cats.
Howdy howdy @adogrocket
@Ann Hey!
Women raging liberals are much worse than the men.
Hi Patriots! I miss you all so much - I can't use microphone so I'll just be listening - if I can turn off the music <:waitwhat:479042235443314699>
@DizzzyR hey right click on the Tony Bot
Thanks Dog, finally found Tony! Is anyone talking? Can't hear anything.
not at the moment
I worked with Discord for weeks after my computer crashed - OY
Discord hates me too....
After many messages Karl (at Discord) said I had to start over with the app, there was no way to use it after the crash, on top of that it wouldn't recognize my log in. They were helpful.
oh nice
WIndows programmers and Linux programmers alll talk and no real results of applied knowledge. Both blow smoke up ya Watoosie.
I don't like the browser version, it won't recognize the microphone. Now that I'm over my irritation, and have time tomorrow, I'll start working at it again.
Heck, I actually got to talk to the Zoom to Meeting folks and they did not know that the Linux version of their app was without the share audio feature for videos. Yeah, Really that was what was said on the phone.
Tech People, SMDH.
Don't feel bad.
@Staff Member I took notes the last time you, Wildman and others were discussing Liposomal C, passed it on to a friend who has had cancer twice. Thanks.
@Searcher what is after the 'E' under the upper right 2020?
@Staff Member you guys figured out why a heart isn't shaped like the organ yet?
@LexiCon1775 Is Voight's link broken or is it just my computer glitching?
@DizzzyR seems to be it was deleted