Message from @Keybored

Discord ID: 653745943790878720

2019-12-09 23:46:35 UTC  

The Jumping Jesus Phenomenon

Our psychic universe is expanding even more rapidly than the physical universe. Let us define the measurement of known scientific facts in the year 1 A.D. as "one jesus," using the name of the celebrated philosopher born that year.

Before going any further, let us ask how long it took to arrive at one jesus. One way of estimating is to take the estimated age of homo sapiens, in which case it took 40,000 to 100,000 years.

How long did it take to double this accumulation of knowledge, to achieve two jesuses? It required 1500 years - until 1500 A.D. How long did it take to double again and obtain four jesuses? It required 250 years, and we had four jesuses in our larder by 1750.

The next doubling took 150 years, and by 1900 A.D. humanity had eight jesuses in our information account. The next doubling took 50 years, and by 1950 we had 16 jesuses. The next, ten years, and by 1960 we had 32 jesuses. The next doubling took seven years, and by 1967 we had 64 jesuses. And the next doubling took 6 years; by 1973 we have 128 jesuses.

There is no reason to imagine that the acceleration has stopped. Thus, we almost certainly reached 256 j around 1978-79 and 512 j in 1982.

In short, we are living in a mental transformation space; that is, an omnidimensional halo expanding toward infinity in all directions. And the electronic center of this halo of mentation is possibly everywhere. It is all available to you right where you are sitting now. Just plug in a terminal. The machine doesn't care who or what you are.

2019-12-09 23:46:44 UTC  

robert anton wilson

"Jumping Jesus"?
Never heard of that crazy crap.

2019-12-09 23:48:20 UTC  

robert anton wilson was one of the most mind-blowingly intelligent people on the planet

2019-12-09 23:48:27 UTC  

with a wicked sense of humour

2019-12-09 23:48:43 UTC  

he co-authored the illuminatus trilogy

2019-12-09 23:49:28 UTC

2019-12-09 23:49:53 UTC  

me too ...first time i hear of it .. but the concept is fascinating

2019-12-09 23:50:12 UTC  

It's about bedtime for me. I'll see y'all at some other time.

2019-12-09 23:50:27 UTC  

we jumped few jesus .. still cant replicate what lost civilaztions did before

2019-12-09 23:50:49 UTC

2019-12-09 23:51:05 UTC

2019-12-09 23:51:15 UTC  

I’d go with Corn 🌽

2019-12-09 23:51:17 UTC  


THere's only been One Jesus - Yeshua.

2019-12-09 23:51:23 UTC  

it is corn...

2019-12-09 23:51:55 UTC  

Trust Kansas

2019-12-09 23:51:58 UTC  


The Storm is here.

We the American people have been lied to and abused for decades. The swamp covered the Yellow Brick Road and ran deep and thick with graft and corruption. We were stuck in a bog of fake news and distractions by both parties. After eight years of Obama and eight years of Bush, the American people were looking for someone to just tell the truth and represent the will of the American people.

President Trump riding high and navigating the winds of an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE that will drain the swamp, created over decades of establishment politics that have muddied the waters and have smothered our dear Republic.

The Deep State Swamp fought Trump tooth and nail in a deadly battle for America’s soul.

And we, the people, are finally winning!

The Storm Is Here… it is now TIME to Drain the Swamp and its creatures and reveal the TRUTH that will set us all free and invoke #TheGreatAwakening all America has been waiting for.

Nothing can stop what is coming!

The storm will clear the swamp from the yellow brick road of prosperity and peace.

Justice will be served and the corrupt and evil will be punished.

Patriots of Red and Blue will unite here in the United States and around the world.

Think for yourself. Knowledge is power.

Being awake is the swamp’s greatest fear.

Follow The Yellow Brick Road and watch as the storm paves the way for Truth and Justice… it’s going to be a wild ride! TRUTH IS A FORCE OF NATURE! #TrustThePlan

The Storm is here!```

2019-12-09 23:52:53 UTC

2019-12-09 23:52:55 UTC

2019-12-09 23:52:59 UTC  

8kun was being attacked big time not too long ago

2019-12-09 23:53:13 UTC

2019-12-09 23:53:19 UTC

2019-12-09 23:57:56 UTC

2019-12-09 23:58:10 UTC

2019-12-09 23:59:26 UTC  


2019-12-09 23:59:43 UTC

2019-12-10 00:00:11 UTC  

why would google hire a chem expert ... humm

2019-12-10 00:01:14 UTC

2019-12-10 00:01:21 UTC

2019-12-10 00:02:45 UTC

2019-12-10 00:03:15 UTC  

his version of bitcoin

2019-12-10 00:04:11 UTC  

the simplified version 👆