Message from @LonghornRancher

Discord ID: 654330258685689877

2019-12-11 14:25:44 UTC  


2019-12-11 14:30:27 UTC  

This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816-1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into the Rothschild family.[1]

The princely family is currently represented by Prince Camillo Aldobrandini (b. 1945), whose heir is Don Clemente Aldobrandini (b. 1982).[

2019-12-11 14:33:42 UTC  

The following body of information has to be understood in these terms; that the Holy See, is a distinct organisation to the Vatican. The Holy See controls the Vatican, the Templar Inner City of London and Washington DC. It has recreated this platform in the East through the House Breakspear. The Holy See is based in Switzerland, the Octagon.

2019-12-11 14:34:50 UTC  

The Holy See is a financial operation and has moved to relieve the people of the laws of the land and into its own jurisdiction, that of Admiralty and Maritime Law. In 909 AD the Carolingian warlords reversed the Benedictine doctrine on land ownership, from which was birthed the Feudal system.[3] They installed this yoke upon England in the Jewish financed 1066 invasion controlled by William the Bastard, who did allow the Jewish financiers unfettered rights to usury between the lands of France and the lands of England. He gave full royal protection to this system of usury both in England and in France. This gave command of the Roman canon, which is land law, into the hands of the Jewish Holy See. For over a thousand years the Holy See has undermined the Vatican canon and shifted all peoples of Rome into the hands of the Sea farers of old and their Legal system which operates slavery by ignorant consent.

2019-12-11 14:38:22 UTC  
2019-12-11 14:38:57 UTC

2019-12-11 14:41:30 UTC  


2019-12-11 14:42:58 UTC

2019-12-11 14:46:54 UTC