Message from @Tails

Discord ID: 668387818359488531

2020-01-19 07:43:43 UTC  


2020-01-19 07:43:43 UTC  

**Skipping?** (1/4 people)

2020-01-19 07:44:00 UTC  


2020-01-19 07:44:00 UTC  

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2020-01-19 07:44:12 UTC  


2020-01-19 07:44:13 UTC  

**Paused** ⏸

2020-01-19 07:44:49 UTC  


2020-01-19 07:44:49 UTC  

💥 ***Cleared...*** ⏹

2020-01-19 07:45:05 UTC  


2020-01-19 07:46:26 UTC  

**What The People of Virginia Must Do: The Constitutional and Lawful Way**

**#1** Draw up a Statewide Remonsterence of Greivence: The Declaration of Independence is a guide to go by.
**#2** List the Constitutional, Unlawful Criminal Violation with *(Prison TIme allocated per violation & Monetary Fines to which can exceed six figures)*
**#3** Draw up and Issue Lawful Notice to all Law Enforcement Statewide - Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, State Police, State Bureau of Investigation Agents, Wildlife and Fisheries, and National Gurad MPs to order them all to arrest the following;
Governor, Lt. Governor, State AG, All State Prosecutors, State Legislators, All Judges even the State Supreme Court, and all who are poised to obey any order to unconstitionally and unlawfully confiscate all firearms.
**File multiple De' Jure Ceritfied and Notarized Copies to all levels of Local, County, and State Government Offices.**

This is what needs and must be done. The Hypocritical State Judiciary of the State to which flyies in Hypocracy the Title 4 US Flag but display the Gold Fringe Flag inside each Court Room/House.
There is nothing else that needs to do. Anons and Fellow Americans do not need to do a "Dig" on anything, there's nothing to "Dig" on. Action is needed. Cannot counton the Judiciaries of any State anymore. My Fellow Americans need to do the same thing Nationwide to get these "Public Servants" undivided attention. They need to have LIFE in Prison or the Death Penalty for Treasn and Sedition right up in their faces scaring them to death. They need not sleep good at night.
Their minds and hearts will get right or they face Judgement from The People in a RIghtful, Lawful, and Constitutional Fashion.

2020-01-19 07:46:37 UTC  

🇺🇸<:CaptAmerica:663758418573656075> <:GadsenFalgDTM:663739347652313098>

2020-01-19 07:46:51 UTC  

In dnd forgotten realms. Metallic dragons = good guys. Chromatic Dragons = bad guys.

2020-01-19 07:54:41 UTC  

We at In2TL thank you all for your participation, inviting friends and helping our server grow. As we grow, we need to remind everyone of our Code of Conduct. When presenting information as FACT, be prepared to provide the “Sauce” to back the FACT. If you have a theory or opinion please state it as such, not as FACT. In the coming months, as people gravitate to our movement and possibly our server, they may be completely unaware of topics we have and will research. Keep this in mind when we discuss sensitive topics.

When speaking, especially when there are many people in the room, keep it concise and try to be brief. Give everyone a chance to speak and please allow each other to finish speaking. If you and one other person are monopolizing the conversation, especially if it is just “chit chat” with no real value to our research, take it to one of the other voice rooms (we have many) so as not to impede the research, which is the main reason we are here.

2020-01-19 08:33:00 UTC  

@Aavelle a flying devil is the official description

2020-01-19 08:35:31 UTC

2020-01-19 08:35:35 UTC  
2020-01-19 09:30:28 UTC  

@SC♢TFRΣΣ actually the first picture is divided by 16... much like 12 it is an astrology thing... also not saying for sure but that middle fish like person maybe Capricorn... sea horse of the zodica

2020-01-19 09:31:54 UTC  

Second picture interesting that there is the fiddle on the right side suggesting it is a weapon... the notes so to speak... on the right is faith or Nun which offers protection

2020-01-19 09:34:31 UTC  

It looks 1500 early more mid evil then Rocco time period but the fiddle suggest symbology that is older or the ideas

2020-01-19 09:35:04 UTC

2020-01-19 09:35:32 UTC

2020-01-19 09:36:13 UTC  

Interestingly enough like the song devil went down to Georgia that maybe why people thought of it as the devils music

2020-01-19 09:37:34 UTC

2020-01-19 09:37:39 UTC  

This is kinda true

2020-01-19 09:38:24 UTC  

Pomegranate was liked fruit of the Gods in the old religion

2020-01-19 09:40:28 UTC  

Same type of thought I would think these figurines or depictions where during the time there was still a good size old religion movement left in the eastern empire and let’s not forget the west fell already and many areas in dismay considered largely the dark ages

2020-01-19 09:44:03 UTC  

Also the unicorn being in a circle is like an Astro chart the unicorn actually in my mind would be the Ac or rising and point to ascending point on a chart. Note the tree in the background right in the middle similar to the tree of life... the rest of the depiction is rather dull... expect the necklaces round the unicorn which shows someone has or owns it like a dog 🐕 has a call or...

2020-01-19 09:44:28 UTC  

In my mind very occultic mix with religion...

2020-01-19 09:44:39 UTC  

All of the depictions

2020-01-19 09:45:42 UTC  

Catholic beginnings looks as though depictions would be in Greek or Byzantine area... or semi down to Persia but be norther n

2020-01-19 09:46:48 UTC  

Note the encirclement is the unicorn typical of binding like binding a maniacal creature. Or being able to wild it’s power.

2020-01-19 09:47:39 UTC  

Note the pare is 3 in picture which is like a triangle which is seen as a blessing as a pose to squares... which are seen with harsh action aka don’t be a square

2020-01-19 09:52:35 UTC  

This I believe is a not complete much like Spanish in Meso America or Modern day Mexico South and Central America they bring religions somewhat together for dates of celebrations. It was seen as people would have less of a hard time excepting a new religion as long as they got to enjoy it at the same time and as time went on kids and so would confuse it with missionaries desires to well conform them.

2020-01-19 09:53:10 UTC  

So no the unicorn is not Christ... or Jesus...

2020-01-19 09:54:29 UTC  

Apollo would me more like Jesus... in occult to catholic myth...

2020-01-19 09:55:54 UTC  

The unicorn horn... in my mind is the sun... the horn would actually be the Path...

2020-01-19 09:55:59 UTC