Message from @Tails

Discord ID: 670442454406660128

2020-01-25 01:26:27 UTC  

Lucy Kibaki

2020-01-25 01:31:32 UTC

2020-01-25 01:33:13 UTC

2020-01-25 01:34:23 UTC  

next they gonna find chiild porn on his phone ?

2020-01-25 01:35:34 UTC

2020-01-25 01:36:23 UTC  

CAN'T HIDE THIS: Times Square Billboard Runs Joe Biden Clip Threatening Ukraine (VIDEO)

2020-01-25 01:36:47 UTC  

▶️Anonymous 01/24/20 (Fri) 20:26:00 7b31af (2) No.7904596

Garcetti Huddles With Trump Team For Homeless Help

LOS ANGELES, CA — Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti says he hopes to reach a preliminary agreement with the Trump administration on a joint plan to help combat the city's swelling homelessness crisis when he meets with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson Friday, it was reported.

Garcetti said Thursday a final deal was still days or weeks away but expressed optimism that the two sides were making progress toward an agreement to provide federal resources, including land, to augment local efforts to erect more shelter space for people living on the streets, the Los Angeles Times reported from Washington D.C.

"I hope we'll get very close," Garcetti said on the sidelines of the U.S. Conference of Mayors' annual meeting in Washington.

Citing the negotiations, Garcetti would not say how much money the Trump administration might contribute. But he said the federal aid would not match the hundreds of millions of dollars spent at the local level.

Garcetti also said he could not yet publicly say where temporary shelters would be located. But he added that federal officials had visited sites in L.A. County including property owned by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2020-01-25 01:38:02 UTC  

oh and other one from the wiki link from q

2020-01-25 01:38:04 UTC  

just saw it

2020-01-25 01:38:29 UTC

2020-01-25 01:38:57 UTC

2020-01-25 01:39:49 UTC  

This Corona Virus is part of their plan. They are still marching forward with their plan but lack control of the Oval Office.

If anons want to dig, read old BHO EO's between 2014-2015

He planned to usher in a National emergency!
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2020-01-25 01:40:00 UTC  

Craig Murray (@CraigMurrayOrg) Tweeted:
A truly inspiring story.
Julian is finally released from solitary in Belmarsh because the other prisoners in the prison were appalled by his treatment and took up action on his behalf.
A small victory for basic humanity - and it took criminals to teach it to the British state.

2020-01-25 01:44:28 UTC

2020-01-25 01:44:32 UTC  

another one

2020-01-25 01:44:41 UTC

2020-01-25 01:44:51 UTC  

**Corona Virus** ... More from researchers.
Event 201
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel centerforhealthsecurity

The Pirbright Institut, Patent Corona Virus in Europe.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds development of Pirbright’s Livestock Antibody Hub supporting animal and human health’s-livestock-antibody-hub

Stake holders: International funding and disease control agencies, such as OIE, WHO, the European Commission, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Netflix Pandemic
Netflix releases ‘Pandemic’ docuseries as coronavirus spreads.

Netflix's 'Pandemic' Highlights The Need for a Universal Flu Vaccine—So Why Don't We Have One Yet?

😡 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Has there fingers all over this...

2020-01-25 01:44:52 UTC  

State funeral maybe to destablize areas

2020-01-25 01:45:59 UTC

2020-01-25 01:47:41 UTC  

Also.. The virus orgin started in.. Wuhan
And there is where .. "Wuhan Virology Institute" is located.

All Convincidents?