Message from @crankypants
Discord ID: 673214304673071113
excellent observation @jimmy.lionstar on the times of Trump tweet and Q drop.
@IrCelt We have set-up a new channel for all things pertaining to the <#673015829255946250> and it is located at the top of the left-side view panel.
The KIMS Key Intergrated Monetary Systme and Ripple Thin-Thread Blockchain Transaction/Remittance XRPAID/XRPL Open Ledger system has all Central Banks & Credit nions defeated right now.
Everything is geared up and ready for he transition to the NEW ECONOMIC FINACIAL System,
thanks for the headsup @KARmA KATส ๐
Being Brexit won and got out of the Europe union and say there free now ?can we the ppl vote and get out of United States union of 52 states foreign district Columbia-and be free?
Hi all, how do I get an invite for this server to help invite people here? I've poked around the menus and have not found the invite yet.
I will send you a link @crankypants
Thank you @KARmA KATส . I'm so busy doing things behind the scenes. I appreciate it.
@crankypants ๐ We have a special channel setup for all invites, you might find some interesting servers that you might want to explore. You can click this hyper link to get there. <#479114242939813900>
See channel <#673015829255946250> for my latest news about it, including a world map to cases, plus confirmed counts of cases, and deaths.
if travelling thru dayton ohio this place is great๐
Now let's think, who will benefit from this virus? A vaccine company? The CIA? WIll the Chinese gov't benefit from this somehow?
plus this meme was awesome
POOR MITTENS, LOL! <:rofl:508683941406965764> <:rofl:445399692919177226> <a:laff:607642120937013249>
DJIA: Jan 4, 2016: 16346 to Feb 2, 2020: 28256
DJIA up 73% since Trump was elected.
If this is too much, please delete. ๐
some need to two ๐