Message from @KARmA KATʑ
Discord ID: 673223904940130334
on a 60 amp breaker
Good day everyone.
Hi Cryptiq.
So let’s see who is r true president that we take orders from we vote for r mayors for r communities to be president ? And now she takes orders from the governor of state that’s r president? Then the governor takes orders from r president of United States that’s a foreign entity district Columbia that’s rules them all because we’re a district of a union then why have a mayor or a governor or a council or a state house ?
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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aef29b No.7991360 📁
Feb 1 2020 12:41:11 (EST) NEW
Who was the 17th Director of the NSA?
buck rogers++++++++++++
Almost sounds like Clapper is going down..
From RCV - John Belushi as Joe Cocker - Just A Little Help From My Friends
@RICHARD ANNON(UK) , that show comes on every Saturday night at 11pm est. 😂
Why r we amaze by a democratic cue don’t u think r United States d.c. is a cue they always been here both party’s watching us pay taxes never been ratified ?giving us statue and codes making laws? Being attorney in r house and senate that illegal and watch everyone of us being poison etc and u think 1 is better then another they all did treason sedition etc to us all all must be removed immediately time to get r real country back
**From Newt Gingrich on Ingrahm:** “Schiff, personally, is obviously a deranged human being. This is about Schiff. Schiff is a guy who’s a pathological liar. He seems to have no ability to distinguish between the truth and falsehood. He lied for two years and a half years about the Russian collusion – it all disintegrated. He looked like a fool, he learned nothing. He came back and lied, again and again.
“And, you’re right: here we are, at the end of this cycle, and he goes back and decides to lie again. I think that, somehow, have got to decide that Adam Schiff is a compulsive, uncontrollable liar – should be dealt with that way.”
“Listen, a healthy House would strip him of the Intelligence Committee. I mean, how could you ever expect the president, the CIA and others to share secrets with a person that’s this profoundly, publicly dishonest?
“And, I think this is a Schiff problem. We’ve learned over the last few months, this guy, literally, is a pathological liar.”
My dream is coming true. The end of Admiralty Law and the return and restoration of Common Law aka The Rule of Law.
Admiralty aka CORPORATE LAW is the Law of the MOB aka DEMOCRACY. Every Courthouse in America is a Facility of TREASON and Hypocrisy. They fly the TITLE 4 US Flag, the REAL FLAG outside and dsiplay that hideous UNCONSTITUTIONAL & UNLAWFUL Gold Fringed Admiralty Flag on the inside.
FREEMASONRY & THE VATICAN aka The UNholy See the Seat of Admiralty are the problem and have been the problem.
ROME, MARYLAND aka Washington, DC
ROME, ITLAY aka The Vatican
The Incorporated City of London
all have been MARKED with their Demonic symbol of that Obelisk.
And we’re waiting on evidence to arrest u kidding me we have it just on this alone/