Message from @SC♢TFRΣΣ

Discord ID: 674353525009940496

2020-02-04 20:24:52 UTC  

Trump needs to tell Xi Jing Ping to get his Nation right.
Sanitation & Hygene CHINA is one of the worst if not the worst offender.

2020-02-04 20:25:35 UTC  

VIDEO of fake chemical attack in Syria already complete, White Helmets co-produced footage – Moscow

2020-02-04 20:26:13 UTC  

All AIRPORTS WORLDWIDE needs to be shutdown for a 24 Hour Period and disinfected using Clorox Bleach and Lysol. All surfaces from floor to ceiling.

2020-02-04 20:27:26 UTC  

ALL Schools from K to College the same. ALL Churches too.

2020-02-04 20:27:43 UTC  

ALL Stores as well.

2020-02-04 20:27:57 UTC  

ALL Businesses in general.

2020-02-04 20:28:01 UTC  

Airports, never mind the airlines themselves, generate a lot of spondoolies
24hr shutdowns would not be ‘economically viable’ at this point in time

2020-02-04 20:29:44 UTC  

Kelli Hake of Stillwater, was at home with her 1-year-old son, Gage, when she learned that her husband, Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Hake, had been killed while serving his second tour of duty in Iraq, according to the White House.

“While on patrol, Staff Sergeant Hake’s fighting vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb supplied by Iranian terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani. Kelli and Gage directly suffered from Soleimani’s campaign to kill and maim U.S. service members.

2020-02-04 20:30:38 UTC  

When I say airports, I mean airlines too.
Who cares about the "Economic Viablity".
IF Corproatations and CEOS do not care then they can be forced to live in a Sewer for all I care. If they want to live in filth and want viruses and other crap going around, force them to live in a Infected Biubble.

2020-02-04 20:33:48 UTC  


2020-02-04 20:33:52 UTC  

You do not eat at an Eatery that has below a B Rating do you?
I used to work in the Food Service Industry. Most regulated and regulated for a very important reason.
All business and facilities must be regulated for sanitation.
Hospitals, Churches, and Schools, and Stores; the most infected places on the planet.

2020-02-04 20:34:41 UTC  

ONE SUNDAY CLOSED and that's supposed to be wrong and very bad? REALLY?!

2020-02-04 20:34:57 UTC wow

2020-02-04 20:35:35 UTC  

Sorry @1K L C Q 🕇 🇺🇸 but companies and CEO’s think “economic”
So do governments
They don’t put citizens front and foremost
Surely you realise that by now? Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

2020-02-04 20:40:18 UTC

2020-02-04 20:42:06 UTC  

Ponce 🤣
in UK it has alternative meaning
Now it is generally used to refer to someone (usually a male) who dresses in nicer clothing and acts in a polished fashion; often interchangable with fag or pussy, but not necessarily as derogatory: a ponce is not necessarily homosexual, nor are they necessarily passive or weak, but they would tend to be thought of as metrosexual or gay in their manner of dress.

2020-02-04 20:43:59 UTC  

Corporations and Business People really do not care about sanitation; all they care about is $Money$. They do not care if people get sick or die. They hate us all anyway.
ONLY if we force these CEOs and their Families to live in filth for ONE WEEK they'd change their self-righteous attitudes.

I do not touch any door knobs or handles in public with my bare hands. The General Public are NASTY, DIRTY, FILTHY Animals.

I used to do Janitorial Services back in the day.
P & S all over the walls and floors in restrooms. Think about cleaning that crap up. No darn sense in people of any lifestyle or class accepting poor sanitation, period.

The whole world needs ONE BIG HUGE GIAGANTIC G I.

2020-02-04 20:46:06 UTC  

Is Dianne Feinstein an Islamo Fascist? Asking for a friend<:rofl:508683941406965764>

2020-02-04 20:50:08 UTC  

☝️ yes

2020-02-04 20:51:16 UTC

2020-02-04 20:52:21 UTC

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2020-02-04 20:52:50 UTC  

Does anyone remember WAAY back when the 302s where first under scrutiny and the thought was that there were 3 different renditions of one.... was that for Flynn...? Trying to remember

2020-02-04 20:53:10 UTC  

Like waaay back

2020-02-04 20:54:24 UTC  


2020-02-04 20:54:42 UTC  

How dare you!

2020-02-04 20:54:57 UTC

2020-02-04 20:55:12 UTC  

One of these 2 blokes, is going to be Mayor here in Sydney.

2020-02-04 20:55:38 UTC  

Maggie H opinion

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2020-02-04 20:55:43 UTC  

My god @dumbbell33 who is worse? Clover is terrible who is this other one?