Message from @CrypticQ

Discord ID: 677970669635371029

2020-02-14 19:42:03 UTC  

Since it's apparently valentine's day, I just want to remind you, that God treats every person as a precious child, like you are the only other person in the universe, that's his love for you, and everyone, I do not believe you can do anything that would make Your Father in Heaven, Elohim love you any more or any less. I believe and know that he loves you fully right now, always, and I think Jesus thought strongly and lovingly for all of us even when he was on the cross.

2020-02-14 19:42:52 UTC  


2020-02-14 19:42:53 UTC  

2020-02-14 19:45:30 UTC  

Right on! @Karl XII

2020-02-14 19:47:11 UTC

2020-02-14 19:47:14 UTC

2020-02-14 19:48:27 UTC  

.....It’s the Onion......satire

2020-02-14 19:52:26 UTC  

in April when it gets warm the virus will be killed

2020-02-14 19:56:51 UTC  


2020-02-14 19:58:23 UTC  


2020-02-14 19:58:48 UTC  

A +++

2020-02-14 19:59:23 UTC  

day and night

2020-02-14 20:02:41 UTC  

the bluegreen WATCH

2020-02-14 20:13:23 UTC  

Yes thank you @KARmA KATʑ

2020-02-14 20:30:17 UTC  

**Lawful America**
> <:justicescales:599244497146347541> **Know your God GIven Constitutional RIghts; including Schools and Vaccinations, and other Rights. Real Facts & Truths, not Opinions.** <:justicescales:599244497146347541>

2020-02-14 20:51:12 UTC  

Barr assigns outside prosecutor to review Russiagate’s Michael Flynn’s case – report

2020-02-14 21:01:10 UTC

2020-02-14 21:01:13 UTC  

Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU).
Imagine if these people were removed.
Total control re: MSM.
They represent a clear and present danger to the enemy.
Re-read past crumbs re: security.
Where is JS?
How do we truly protect those important to us?
[19] immediates [no longer with us].
Self-suicide if actioned.
Real life.

2020-02-14 21:16:49 UTC

2020-02-14 21:18:03 UTC  

Any time that one of these Satanic Deep State Goons states, "It's bad for OUR Democracy" eluding to what President Trump is doing; and that "Trump doesn't know what it is to be President", they are right.
It's bad for their precious "Democracy", not the Republic, our Republic. Yes, President Trump doesn't know what it is to be "Their Type" of President.

2020-02-14 21:26:00 UTC

2020-02-14 21:36:20 UTC  

We at In2TL thank you all for your participation, inviting friends and helping our server grow. As we grow, we need to remind everyone of our Code of Conduct. When presenting information as FACT, be prepared to provide the “Sauce” to back the FACT. If you have a theory or opinion please state it as such, not as FACT. In the coming months, as people gravitate to our movement and possibly our server, they may be completely unaware of topics we have and will research. Keep this in mind when we discuss sensitive topics.

When speaking, especially when there are many people in the room, keep it concise and try to be brief. Give everyone a chance to speak and please allow each other to finish speaking. If you and one other person are monopolizing the conversation, especially if it is just “chit chat” with no real value to our research, take it to one of the other voice rooms (we have many) so as not to impede the research, which is the main reason we are here.

2020-02-14 21:44:17 UTC

2020-02-14 21:44:23 UTC

2020-02-14 21:44:28 UTC  

These are related I believe

2020-02-14 21:44:58 UTC  

symbology of the number of swards and can be a message...7 is the house of relationships in astrology as well and this is how it cross into this area