Message from @WildMan

Discord ID: 680691998629691405

2020-02-22 06:42:06 UTC  

**I wish POTUS would put a Boot in someone's BUTTOCKS about this Economic Mess that both STUPID POLITICAL PARTIES caused. Neglation of decades after decades doesn't work well for those whom have been victimized. No more words out of the mouth, Actions that are visbile and tangible in reality only will be accepted. I just put the Truth & Facts out on Front Street where it needs to be. The TRUTH must be told. **

2020-02-22 07:15:33 UTC  

She just doesn't know when to quit........
Clinton says Trump "knows he can’t win without" Russia's help after he dismisses 2020 threat

2020-02-22 07:23:14 UTC  

Local priest federally charged with child porn, child exploitation and juvenile sex trafficking: Robert McWilliams pretended to be a girl on social media, then used to make contact w underage boys. He targeted victims at the parish where he worked.

2020-02-22 07:23:23 UTC  


2020-02-22 07:42:24 UTC  

Gotta love the trolling. I don't think I would have let this douchebag get away with this. I would hammered his ass!

2020-02-22 07:53:44 UTC  

WOW! This guy got this close to them. AMAZING!

2020-02-22 08:17:06 UTC  

Expect prices for all food items to go up, if not sky high because of China.
NOBODY has a PLAN to midigate all of this and NOTHING is being done
that's tangibly visible. Prepare for the coming PAIN at the Super Market Grocery.
Globalism and Corporatacracy SUCK doesn't it?

2020-02-22 08:26:59 UTC  

Somebody had already done all the heavy lifting, all I had to do was copy & paste

2020-02-22 08:36:45 UTC  

Even the Wall Street Journal is not buying the BS Accounts of the numbers infected in China. China's Cover-up Conspiracy Hits the Minastream here in the USA.
Us Conspiracy Analyis are not alone anymore. Shockingly......

2020-02-22 08:38:25 UTC  

Removed by Facebook pending review

2020-02-22 09:08:26 UTC  

Trump has shown 'tremendous' leadership on coronavirus: Dr. Siegel

2020-02-22 09:29:16 UTC  

**THE DEEP STATE CULT EXPOSED: Freemasonry the Cult**

**Making Connections II: Occultic Symbols in Our Nation's Capitol (Pastor Charles Lawson)**

**Some Real Pastors in America haven't sold out to The Cult of Lucifer, Thank God.**.

***Every time a new President is sworn into Office; on the 3RD FLOOR of the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry in DC, Masons hold a Cult Ritual of "Raising Osiris from the dead" at the same time all Presidents are sworn in. Captiol Dome aligment with that Luciferian Satanic Obleisk that Freemasons erected in honer, not to George Washington BUT their Demonic god, OSIRIS to which they use Hiram Abiff (Mythical Character) as a [PLACEHOLDER] ***

***FYI: I know some may not like this but that's not my problem. That's an Individual's personal problem with acceptance of The Truth for Jesus Christ Yeshua told us that there wuld be those who refuse The Truth.***

***Series of Video Here:***

2020-02-22 09:34:46 UTC  

Pastor Lawson just don't preach bullcrap.

2020-02-22 09:36:20 UTC  

We at In2TL thank you all for your participation, inviting friends and helping our server grow. As we grow, we need to remind everyone of our Code of Conduct. When presenting information as FACT, be prepared to provide the β€œSauce” to back the FACT. If you have a theory or opinion please state it as such, not as FACT. In the coming months, as people gravitate to our movement and possibly our server, they may be completely unaware of topics we have and will research. Keep this in mind when we discuss sensitive topics.

When speaking, especially when there are many people in the room, keep it concise and try to be brief. Give everyone a chance to speak and please allow each other to finish speaking. If you and one other person are monopolizing the conversation, especially if it is just β€œchit chat” with no real value to our research, take it to one of the other voice rooms (we have many) so as not to impede the research, which is the main reason we are here.

2020-02-22 10:30:18 UTC

2020-02-22 10:33:20 UTC

2020-02-22 10:33:22 UTC

2020-02-22 10:33:42 UTC

2020-02-22 10:42:47 UTC  

**POTUS Mentioned "GONE WITH THE WIND" at Rally. **
**Clark Gable (1901-1960) Intd. 1933 Beverly Hills Lodge #528 CA**
**POTUS was just in Beverly Hills, CA. **
**I see a Deep State Connection with Beverly Hills and Freemasonry aka The Cult Connection. POTUS knows these people are demonically sick in th ehead and the soul.**
**Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. (1883-1939) Intd. Beverly Hills Lodge #528 CA**
**Nat "King" Cole (1919-1965) Intd. Thomas Waller Lodge #49 LA, CA PHA**

2020-02-22 11:17:51 UTC  


2020-02-22 11:49:03 UTC  

n a 5-4 ruling released Friday night, the U.S. Supreme Court voted to allow a new β€œwealth test” rule that will make it more difficult for immigrants to receive green cards if they rely on public benefits such as food stamps.