Message from @oDDgUY
Discord ID: 681837498246496266
Actually it is planned, its 6 am here, that meet and greet was scheduled for 5:30 am, so they are late. Eastern time.
Oh I maybe when I looked up the time there the site I saw it on was in a different r times zone then mine
@Tails that 'live stream' is showing trump's speech at the rally yesterday
Q+'s tie colour yesterday was...
@KARmA KATʑ now I see what you mean... EST
@Tails 🤓 Yes it's very confusing when he travels.
Especially when you live in the time zone where you are, it gets super complicated.
I am very interested in what color tie he will wear for the press conf.
The WH feed is live.
@oDDgUY Welcome <a:wavegif_1860:513162512674324481> <:sup:544989311775408159>
It's quite alright.
Maybe a utube tutorial lol
We have a channel under heading in Help Desk.
If you need further assistance just let us know.
well it isn't for me but you go ahead
it's a paradoy account btw
Good Tuesday rain changing to snow STL
Good Morning 🌞
@Pull mroning