Message from @Tonald Drump
Discord ID: 277855340136103937
I'm in NY
my roommate is playing fucking pokemon on my speakers, so i cant talk 😦
That list makes me so hard
Hey folks, just wanted to introduce myself to the group. Name's chris hansen, 50 years old, meme army veteran
I bypassed the introduction by using the voice chat
What is that?
What is this?
sorry fam pls no bully
@Extra Crispy KEK nice to meet you
Hello fellow Anti-Communists
hello fellow fascists aren't islamists the worst? And what about our pepe meme huh?
good stuff
>xD hello fellow channers!
Hello fellow fascists! How do you do?
Can anybody post that feels meme? I really enjoy that meme.
@Tonald Drump what normie shit is this.
@Tonald Drump I really, really, really like this image! Do you mind if I save it?
@Anticom LR#9355 TOP KEK
@Xenogenesis b...bruh WHAT R U DOING
@Tonald Drump nope
oy vey
Bad goy
@Tonald Drump what do you mean/want/need?
@Xenogenesis read dis ^