Message from @frugalcasper

Discord ID: 545083193049481236

2019-02-13 03:14:05 UTC  

and there's a limit to vapid consuption as well

2019-02-13 03:14:20 UTC  

then when its time to fuck they dont wanna do shit and ae fine with it

2019-02-13 03:14:22 UTC  

They just hang out with all the other mums who don't have jobs.

2019-02-13 03:15:49 UTC  

They're simply not cut out for the vast majority of jobs and working them makes them miserable.

2019-02-13 03:19:10 UTC  

when women start to come talking in to MGTOW ideas .......... DUMP HER ASS, ITS A TRAP!!!!

2019-02-13 03:20:25 UTC  

the thing's that even if they are married to King Chaddington the 5th they will be unhappy

2019-02-13 03:20:45 UTC  

They will always be unhappy, thats the curse of being a women.

2019-02-13 03:21:00 UTC  

reminds me of HuMAN's and Colttaine's talke "her room is empty"

2019-02-13 03:21:03 UTC  

Thats why we need laws to say if she cheats she gets kicked onto the street.

2019-02-13 03:21:18 UTC  

Now they just treat men like rungs on a ladder.

2019-02-13 03:21:32 UTC  

infinitely climbing to that billionaire

2019-02-13 03:22:06 UTC  

if I had a gf and she cheated on me I would extort.. or do some humoruos rejection ekin to "returning to the maker, reson: defective product"

2019-02-13 03:22:54 UTC  

Well when you're dating and they cheat big deal you get some hurt feelings, you'll move on.

2019-02-13 03:22:57 UTC  

I kinda wanna get a roommate

2019-02-13 03:23:14 UTC  

when you're married and now you have to support her till the kids are 18, that's alot less fun

2019-02-13 03:24:09 UTC  

but in all honesty I would only involve myself with some fem if I want kids.. and I would be doing careful screening

2019-02-13 03:24:59 UTC  

I'd need some massive law changes before i even considered women again.

2019-02-13 03:24:59 UTC  

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) you in for a world of hurt

2019-02-13 03:25:28 UTC  

If she passes your screening...shes just a damn good chameleon

2019-02-13 03:25:49 UTC  

@frugalcasper I know, I would consult the living shit out of a lawyer

2019-02-13 03:26:00 UTC  

that's useless

2019-02-13 03:26:04 UTC  

That won't matter in the current year

2019-02-13 03:26:04 UTC  

don't bother

2019-02-13 03:26:08 UTC  

and make sure she never get her grimy ahnds on my assets

2019-02-13 03:26:15 UTC  

every prenup is thrown out

2019-02-13 03:26:19 UTC  

Uruguay is thankfully not as cuccked

2019-02-13 03:26:35 UTC  

I hope for your sake it isn't

2019-02-13 03:26:44 UTC  

but I would need to think long and hard if I want kids

2019-02-13 03:26:50 UTC  

even if it isn't now (which i doubt), it will be

2019-02-13 03:27:19 UTC  

5 years from now when all prenups are thrown out like how we did in Australia, what are you gunna do

2019-02-13 03:27:35 UTC  

I said this to my mother "I would only involve myself with some chick to have kids" she said "you can always adopt"

2019-02-13 03:27:39 UTC  

Uruguay legalized gay marriage right? What else they pass

2019-02-13 03:27:46 UTC  


2019-02-13 03:27:54 UTC  

no-fault divorces?

2019-02-13 03:28:00 UTC  

Sounding more liberal by the second

2019-02-13 03:28:45 UTC  

What good is "having kids" when they can be taken away from you at a finger snap because of vagina?

2019-02-13 03:29:22 UTC  

Sounds to me like a part of you wants to please your mother.

2019-02-13 03:29:26 UTC  

Uruguay is liberal by comparison... they allowed abortion which is something I'm not happy about

2019-02-13 03:29:33 UTC  

"URUGUAY cemented its reputation as the most socially liberal of Latin America’s democratic countries on October 17th, when its Senate approved a bill legalising abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy."

2019-02-13 03:29:40 UTC  

but prostitution is also legal

2019-02-13 03:30:03 UTC  

"A small country nestled between Argentina and Brazil, Uruguay has long been one of the region’s most progressive countries. It was among the first to set up a welfare state and offer free secular public education, and was also a pioneer in legalising divorce and granting the franchise to women. "