Message from @Yuma County
Discord ID: 277707648470614016
Hey if I get my pitbull bullet proof vests can I bring with him me to fight the commies
Bring back 1990s LAPD
I just don't like spics and prefer not to have them near me
Guys I had an idea
so, basically like all white americans
I like having spic girls on my dick
We get a bunch of dogs and use them to carry ammo
5 bucks, DoctorPiss is a self-hating beaner.
prob with that is they get preg if you look at them
i dont want some racially mixed children
I bust my white seed on their faces and ruin them for their spic husbands
the thing about spic chicks
once they're 10 they're being dicked by their dads anyway
so good luck finding a virgin
but, good odds finding daddy issues
28th of May
literally who
Guys we should establish a country on mars
fucking rekjt
do you answer?
if youre in the discord and not the voice chat youre missing out
It's 12:30am, I'm a little drunk, and I'm wiping vanilla extract on mice butts