Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 277702329883426816
idk if i know you but
you sound just like jordan
Me and jordan used to be good buddies
You said you don't want to ddox?
You're anonymous rn?
yea but im in mansfield arlington area
we could chill sometime
How are you ddoxing?
i didnt want to put my name out
how should we connect?
ill message you
notice how rage inducing just listening to antifa talk is
ugh spamming the youtube link away
SG95 nigger
stop fucking posting unrelated images
fuck u feggit
i'm linking something
fuck you, you under 21 whiny voiced parents living fuckboy
i have nothing
Based black brother
anyway check that youtube video
coincidence? i think not!
jack in the box 1 dollar for two tacos
Filipinos are Hawaii's Mexicans