Message from @ToastMcGhost

Discord ID: 538524387150921738

2019-01-26 00:50:09 UTC  


2019-01-26 00:52:29 UTC  

If I ever get there. I have so much stuff in the works right now. It's overwhelming. And I'm applying for all sorts of extra funding cause I'm eligible due to my mental health in order to avoid massive student loan debt.

2019-01-26 00:53:24 UTC  

You'll make it man just keep pursuing it

2019-01-26 00:53:32 UTC  

I'm glad the system is on your side

2019-01-26 00:54:10 UTC  

You have a mh diagnosis toast. Right? Do you have difficulties?

2019-01-26 00:54:43 UTC  

Yeah I have a psychotic disorder and it's a living nightmare. I didn't know I could get extra funding so I'm buried in debt

2019-01-26 00:56:20 UTC  

I'm sorry man. That really sucks. Yeah I'm trying to play it smart. What got me into the program I'm working with was seeking help for any kind of gainful employment. Office of vocational rehabilitation. I've been in the system too long and know too much it seems like sometimes.

2019-01-26 00:58:27 UTC  

@Mgtow lwaiy I'm not wasting 25 minutes of my life on a females perspective on the manosphere. Lol i disliked it though. First time in a while. Normally I'll ignore a reaction or like a video.

2019-01-26 00:58:41 UTC  

When I applied for Voc Rehab I was denied without a reason so I kinda floated around for a bit

2019-01-26 00:59:29 UTC  

Damn.. Really? That's a filthy, dirty rotten shame.

2019-01-26 01:00:03 UTC  

Dude that's fuckey

2019-01-26 01:00:17 UTC  

Supposedly if you ever become permanently disabled ypur debts are forgiven. So maybe try that route?

2019-01-26 01:01:03 UTC  

I deliver for a living now but imagine looking in your mirror and seeing a car coming at you at ramming speed. You flinch and close your eyes and brace for impact, then open your eyes and you're the only car on the road

2019-01-26 01:01:22 UTC  

Or people standing on the side of the road so you watch them to see if they're gonna step out, then they're gone

2019-01-26 01:01:56 UTC  

Don't the meds fix that up for you?

2019-01-26 01:02:07 UTC  

Yeah that's no fun. I have schizoaffective disorder but i don't think I've ever hallucinated.

2019-01-26 01:02:20 UTC  

Yeah it happens about 10% of the amount it used to

2019-01-26 01:02:40 UTC  

I was diagnosed with that too, I still get the delusions and the mania

2019-01-26 01:02:44 UTC  

Sucks there's not more help for real shit when we got all this help for nonsense

2019-01-26 01:03:38 UTC  

My coworkers kid has full disability payments and her disability is she doesn't want to talk to people aka slightly autistic

2019-01-26 01:03:39 UTC  

I applied for disability and was denied the first time, but I got more resources and a team to help me and applied again. Then the government shut down

2019-01-26 01:04:30 UTC  

One of my gaming friends is on disability for pretty much the same thing, slight autism

2019-01-26 01:04:38 UTC  

You almost always get denied the first time. Supposedly the only reason i wasn't was because of my aspergers diagnosis. Apparently autism is a trump card i guess.

2019-01-26 01:05:11 UTC  

The only time being autistic is a good thing lol

2019-01-26 01:05:51 UTC  

I don't think i have it all that muxh. I was just very poorly socialized as a child.

2019-01-26 01:07:21 UTC  

I'm not really symptomatic for everything. My heart goes out to you toast for your struggle.

2019-01-26 01:07:58 UTC  

Maybe you could fake a spell of autism

2019-01-26 01:08:44 UTC  

I appreciate that. And it's why I always get upset when 17 year olds come on here and say either meds are a hoax or "just eat right and exercise" then argue their point to death

2019-01-26 01:09:21 UTC  

Yeah, that's an idea. If you fight long enough and have the paperwork in proper order you'll get it. They reject people the first time to weed out those that are just trying to play the system.

2019-01-26 01:09:50 UTC  

I like the idea of faking a spell of autism

2019-01-26 01:10:51 UTC  

Just don't get caught. Social security fraud is no joke.

2019-01-26 01:11:34 UTC  

I wouldn't try it. I feel guilty not holding the door for someone lol

2019-01-26 01:12:05 UTC  

I hear ya.

2019-01-26 01:13:45 UTC  

I'm getting over a lot of that though cause people are shit. I'd hold the door open for you mates, but ypu guys aren't shit. We're supposed to be mgtow brothers. Although i did inform someone on the bus today that they dropped their cigs instead of pocketing them.

2019-01-26 01:14:22 UTC  

I'm a little proud of myself for that. I wasn't like most people.

2019-01-26 01:16:11 UTC  

Good stuff it's something to take pride in

2019-01-26 01:16:45 UTC  


2019-01-26 01:16:56 UTC  

Someone chased after my car to give me my phone back once

2019-01-26 01:17:03 UTC  

Didn't have a passcode or anything

2019-01-26 01:17:04 UTC  


2019-01-26 01:17:16 UTC  

Still super grateful lol