Message from @Tits MCgee

Discord ID: 538732799000182818

2019-01-26 14:41:22 UTC  


2019-01-26 14:41:50 UTC  

always good to see another man knowing da way

2019-01-26 14:42:17 UTC  

I've actually occasionally felt happy (compared to my previous state of never feeling happy) since I started self-actualizing.

2019-01-26 14:42:24 UTC  

It's nice.

2019-01-26 14:43:10 UTC  

I know we all jokingly say we hate life or that life's really depressing but I genuinely feel more at peace and content than I can ever remember being.

2019-01-26 14:43:46 UTC  

damn man, it's seems you made it

2019-01-26 14:43:52 UTC  

how old are you?

2019-01-26 14:44:06 UTC  


2019-01-26 14:44:10 UTC  


2019-01-26 14:44:22 UTC  

already self-actuallized at 17

2019-01-26 14:44:24 UTC  


2019-01-26 14:44:38 UTC  

I'd say I'm self-actualizing more than self-actualized.

2019-01-26 14:45:08 UTC  

I define self-actualization (for me at least) as doing all of the things I've both always wanted to do and been wanting to do for a few years or more.

2019-01-26 14:45:17 UTC  

I have a list of goals that I've been working through.

2019-01-26 14:45:37 UTC  

And as far as I'm concerned that's my way of self-actualizing, just working through each of the tasks on that list.

2019-01-26 14:45:52 UTC  

I've definitely grown and changed since I started self-actualizing.

2019-01-26 14:46:13 UTC  

I'm guessing that over time (every few months) I'll add another goal to the list and that'll keep me occupied.

2019-01-26 14:46:31 UTC  

So it'll be more like I become more and more self-actualized over time than ever becoming fully self-actualized.

2019-01-26 14:46:49 UTC  

Still, the growth that continuous self-actualization provides is a great benefit.

2019-01-26 14:50:21 UTC  

maybe you're not self-actualized yet but atleast you ain't spinning your wheels in the other stages
yeah, I think that pretty much sums what self-actualization feels like, just don't forget not to go full "work, work, work" and relax from time to time. If you can just sit still and feel that life's amazing, that in itself should make you feel like you're doing stuff right~

2019-01-26 14:51:48 UTC  

here is a tip tho: once a guy told me that "gaining muscle is not the hard part, keeping it is". Even tho you might not agreed with this, you have to recogize that the same applies to the state of self-actualization

2019-01-26 14:52:04 UTC  

Yeah, the way I approach my journey of self-actualization is that I set a few goals for the day (perform my exercise routine, watching a Messenger Rising video or two), and try to push myself slightly during my exercises (one more rep than yesterday) and absorb as much from the Messenegr Rising video as possible.

2019-01-26 14:52:11 UTC  

It takes up less than an hour a day.

2019-01-26 14:52:31 UTC  

And for the rest of that time I'm either playing video games, doing other shit or just egenerally relaxing.

2019-01-26 14:53:04 UTC  

I hadn't thought about that (same statement applying to self-actualization).

2019-01-26 14:53:28 UTC  

My responses are: Huh and interesting.

2019-01-26 14:53:52 UTC  

I had two responses that I wanted to express, so I expressed both.

2019-01-26 14:54:53 UTC  

Also, an example of adding stuff to the list of tasks (I call it my goals list) is that yesterday I made the decision to watch all of the videos on a channel called PictureFit (fitness channel that educates its viewers by doing those drawings you see in videos like AsapScience or "My Life In A Drawing").

2019-01-26 14:57:44 UTC  

and on a final note, always have keep an anatainable goal in the back of your mind, so you never stop persuing something

to me that strategy looks splendid, in the end if you're happy with it it's all that matters
don't remember watching any of Messenger Rising videos, have to check that out, any video you advise?
do you keep an actual list or you just go by memory?

2019-01-26 14:58:24 UTC  


2019-01-26 14:59:02 UTC  

I create a list of videos I've watched (taking notes of any I think I need to rewatch because I haven't absorbed the content correctly) for each channel.

2019-01-26 14:59:18 UTC  

I have a list of Spetsnaz videos I've watched and a list of Messenger Rising videos.

2019-01-26 15:00:16 UTC  

I make sure the goal is attainable, if it isn't then I either work towards it or don't bother.

2019-01-26 15:02:33 UTC  

Also as far as I'm aware I've heard and kind of agree with the following videos as some of his best work: Let Go Of Your Guilt - You Were Programmed For Manipulation, Noncofmrist Man, Placebo effect, Optimism, Solutions and a Sense of Purpose, Psychological Resilience and Post Traumatic Growth, The Changing Personality, Withdrawal and the Benefits of Social Isolation, The Meat Grinder - Finding Meaning and The Monk's Code (The Monk's Code is a series of 4 videos spanning a total of 9 hours and around 21 minutes).

2019-01-26 15:02:39 UTC  

Shango says The Monk's Code is great.

2019-01-26 15:02:46 UTC  

honestly if you listened to MGTOW videos for at least 3 years you can reproduce most if not all the important points

2019-01-26 15:03:10 UTC  

I've listened to TFM's videos for about 3 years but I haven't listened to many of the other MGTOW channels.

2019-01-26 15:03:18 UTC  

so dont worry about the purge too much

2019-01-26 15:03:33 UTC  

as long as you grasp the fundamentals, you can solve and explain anything

2019-01-26 15:03:35 UTC  

I just hope I'll be able to get through all of the content before the collapse.

2019-01-26 15:03:59 UTC  

if the collapse happens, we will teach our soldiers everything