Message from @Kaiser Dion Napoleon

Discord ID: 541081340221587456

2019-02-02 02:15:41 UTC  

I have not the slightest interest for girls, I just want friends

2019-02-02 02:15:47 UTC  

And girls make horrible friends

2019-02-02 02:16:40 UTC  

The friends I have these days came from work

2019-02-02 02:16:48 UTC  

"Oh but it works out in my favor cause they get intrigued and end up dating me so we can fuck" sure, man.. That's why you're still hung up on your ex cause you're swimming in pussy. Lulz

2019-02-02 02:17:05 UTC  

Even thought it was a dogshit job that I left, 2 decent people worth hanging out with

2019-02-02 02:17:59 UTC  

What’s up fellas

2019-02-02 02:18:08 UTC  

i've only had a few real friends n my life.... cept for one guy n my son all are dead now.... had n have a good life tho... m happy w/it

2019-02-02 02:18:24 UTC  

That's the problem I have with females. I dont wanna talk to them. And if they linger around me too persistently, they better start putting out

2019-02-02 02:19:01 UTC  

What if they're morbidly obese and you're not attracted to them?

2019-02-02 02:19:15 UTC  

Then they better cook me dinner

2019-02-02 02:19:16 UTC  

bout all i care to hear from women anymore is the right amount of change when i buy something...

2019-02-02 02:19:35 UTC  

Amen to that Z

2019-02-02 02:19:44 UTC  

Man women cashiers are the fucking worst

2019-02-02 02:19:56 UTC  

They always fuck up my order

2019-02-02 02:20:07 UTC  

If they dont understand they dont ask

2019-02-02 02:20:47 UTC  

Even the cucked out guy cashiers will ask if they misheard something

2019-02-02 02:21:01 UTC  

Women are the worst at just about everything. Even men give better head. At least the gay ones anyway.

2019-02-02 02:21:58 UTC  

Like seriously, do they think I'm gonna kill them if they make me repeat myself?

2019-02-02 02:22:05 UTC  

Just get the damn order right

2019-02-02 02:23:14 UTC  

They're probably just to ignorant and lazy. Oh and narcissistic to understand they can make mistakes.

2019-02-02 02:24:04 UTC  

The prettier the face, the more hostile i feel

2019-02-02 02:24:24 UTC  

Growing up I got conditioned that the pretty ones are the devil pretty much

2019-02-02 02:24:38 UTC  

Yoo know, Starbucks from country is quite good actually

2019-02-02 02:24:54 UTC  

You have nice cashiers and good freebies

2019-02-02 02:25:03 UTC  

I wouldn't be caught dead in a Starbucks

2019-02-02 02:25:12 UTC  

I don't know though. I've had sone positive experiences with female wait staff/order takers.

2019-02-02 02:25:28 UTC  

And the workforce there are mostly men

2019-02-02 02:25:36 UTC  

Not me, maybe because I'm ugly

2019-02-02 02:25:36 UTC  

Legit baristas

2019-02-02 02:25:37 UTC  

u can measure their entitlement... a 10 will have a lvl 10 entitlement attitude....

2019-02-02 02:25:49 UTC  

In my experience men and women in service roles are the same

2019-02-02 02:25:56 UTC  

Not any of ths starbucks I've been in.

2019-02-02 02:26:23 UTC  

It's all buzzed out run of the mill thots.

2019-02-02 02:26:36 UTC  

Maybe I never have good experience because I'm ugly, lol

2019-02-02 02:27:18 UTC  

Maybe you're onto something man. I'm not ugly but I'm no adonis either.

2019-02-02 02:28:00 UTC  

I dont think I'm ugly, but my past doesnt agree with me

2019-02-02 02:28:41 UTC  

If they value their job they won't treat ugly people different

2019-02-02 02:29:01 UTC  

Like I care what the rando wanting a coffee looks like just tip me

2019-02-02 02:29:26 UTC  

A lot of people like to talk shit on my choice of hair style and beard though. But i say fuck em, they ain't paying my bills or fucking me so their opinions don't count. I like my choices.

2019-02-02 02:29:27 UTC  

Thats easy for a guy to do

2019-02-02 02:29:32 UTC  

We gotta help pewdiepie reach 100 mil