Message from @f-star

Discord ID: 554560320287539210

2019-03-11 07:03:21 UTC

we're in vc playing rust

2019-03-11 07:03:21 UTC

And you guys got Universal HC and education and stuff?

2019-03-11 07:03:33 UTC

i guess

2019-03-11 07:03:39 UTC

education is free here

2019-03-11 07:03:40 UTC

why do you send notes to yourself from amazon

2019-03-11 07:03:43 UTC

it's in finnish

2019-03-11 07:03:45 UTC

I mean, are they both paid for in taxes?

2019-03-11 07:03:51 UTC


2019-03-11 07:03:53 UTC

@Captain Kirk JT for meemz, pretty much

2019-03-11 07:03:57 UTC

teach me how you stay up all night @saN

2019-03-11 07:04:00 UTC

progressive taxing kinda sucks

2019-03-11 07:04:04 UTC

gs should come play rust with you guys

2019-03-11 07:04:08 UTC
2019-03-11 07:04:10 UTC


2019-03-11 07:04:22 UTC

i just play videogames and stay up

2019-03-11 07:04:27 UTC

@f-star I don't have the *game* Rust, but I can program a bit of Rustlang

2019-03-11 07:04:31 UTC

dont get off pc

2019-03-11 07:04:33 UTC

i fall asleep doing thay

2019-03-11 07:04:37 UTC

you should get the game

2019-03-11 07:04:41 UTC

go for a walk if you get really sleepy

2019-03-11 07:04:43 UTC

play with the boys

2019-03-11 07:04:45 UTC

thats usually at 7am for me

2019-03-11 07:04:50 UTC

wtf lol

2019-03-11 07:04:56 UTC

and i get an energydrink

2019-03-11 07:05:02 UTC


2019-03-11 07:05:05 UTC

energy drinks are really good

2019-03-11 07:05:14 UTC

i cant stay up without energy drinks in general

2019-03-11 07:05:15 UTC


2019-03-11 07:05:21 UTC


2019-03-11 07:05:28 UTC

caffeine addiction

2019-03-11 07:05:35 UTC

3 energy drinks a day for 3 years

2019-03-11 07:06:09 UTC

@everyone grim just said hes part nigger in vc

2019-03-11 07:06:15 UTC

he is

2019-03-11 07:06:16 UTC


2019-03-11 07:06:17 UTC


2019-03-11 07:06:24 UTC

@gsfordham lol you actually think they would take you cunt? you have to actually be a net benefit to move to finland... i dont think "smashing my dick to anime tiddies with 'hand sanitiser'" rates up there on list of traits neccessaary to emigrate

2019-03-11 07:06:28 UTC

im probablty more

2019-03-11 07:06:31 UTC

i see he gave you an n-word pass

2019-03-11 07:06:36 UTC

2019-03-11 07:06:42 UTC


2019-03-11 07:06:42 UTC

I was born with an n word pass