Message from @Testimony

Discord ID: 554838463095111682

2019-03-12 01:26:02 UTC

Same principle with petrol filled waterpistols

2019-03-12 01:26:10 UTC

I love arts and crafts

2019-03-12 01:26:41 UTC

2019-03-12 01:26:57 UTC

2019-03-12 01:27:02 UTC

fuck yang , the 1000 is just a distraction from his other shit ideas ^

2019-03-12 01:27:10 UTC

2019-03-12 01:27:16 UTC

Suppose you already work a full time job

2019-03-12 01:27:21 UTC

how long until you a millionaire?

2019-03-12 01:27:22 UTC


2019-03-12 01:27:30 UTC

2019-03-12 01:28:42 UTC

fun animation

2019-03-12 01:28:43 UTC

gud song

2019-03-12 01:28:50 UTC

2019-03-12 01:28:51 UTC

Even if she’s a cutie she’s an inter dimensional FBI demon, so nah pass

2019-03-12 01:28:51 UTC

fuck got cheeto dust all over my nuts, damn

2019-03-12 01:29:06 UTC

wrong chat sry

2019-03-12 01:29:23 UTC


2019-03-12 01:29:36 UTC

.yt ween bananas and blow

2019-03-12 01:29:58 UTC

I like to keep my snacks seperate, and now my pistachios have Tom jizz all over them

2019-03-12 01:30:15 UTC

That’s gay

2019-03-12 01:30:33 UTC

they wouldn't understand

2019-03-12 01:31:07 UTC

Fake and gay advertising

2019-03-12 01:31:14 UTC

It was for doritoes anyway

2019-03-12 01:31:14 UTC

It was for doritoes anyway

2019-03-12 01:31:16 UTC

It was for doritoes anyway

2019-03-12 01:31:26 UTC

OH is getting more involved with integrated marketing

2019-03-12 01:31:52 UTC

Fuck automute

2019-03-12 01:31:58 UTC

Buy Gas! BP best brand

2019-03-12 01:32:02 UTC

Fuck PR

2019-03-12 01:32:06 UTC

Fuck ‘em

2019-03-12 01:32:26 UTC

Fuck Edward Bernays

2019-03-12 01:32:41 UTC

2019-03-12 01:32:59 UTC

I'm jamming to it genuinely rn

2019-03-12 01:37:08 UTC

RKelly is making a huge comeback

2019-03-12 01:37:11 UTC

good to see

2019-03-12 01:37:23 UTC

when farticles go into your mouth

2019-03-12 01:38:30 UTC

cum breath

2019-03-12 01:38:34 UTC