Message from @electric bruhgaloo

Discord ID: 554872962906587139

2019-03-12 03:44:07 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Grim Creeper#3981 was unmuted***

2019-03-12 03:44:09 UTC


2019-03-12 03:44:16 UTC

I just wanna make him sperg

2019-03-12 03:44:34 UTC

I know he'll say something about it in staff chat

2019-03-12 03:44:42 UTC


2019-03-12 03:44:50 UTC

Also, daily dose

2019-03-12 03:44:57 UTC

@Grim Creeper <:honk:549122319654584320> <:honk:549122319654584320>

2019-03-12 03:45:15 UTC

.mute @Grim Creeper rope yourself nigger

2019-03-12 03:45:16 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Grim Creeper#3981 was muted***

2019-03-12 03:45:35 UTC

.unmute @Grim Creeper u mad bro? Gonna cry hoss?

2019-03-12 03:45:35 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Grim Creeper#3981 was unmuted***

2019-03-12 03:45:44 UTC

|| <:honk:549122319654584320> ||

2019-03-12 03:45:51 UTC


2019-03-12 03:45:56 UTC

2019-03-12 03:46:00 UTC

The grim fears the bruh

2019-03-12 03:46:13 UTC

Okay kids let's go to Pennsylvania on September 11th 2001. We can take a plane

2019-03-12 03:46:13 UTC

maynnn fuck u bruh moment

2019-03-12 03:46:36 UTC

@Mart we already live in Pennsylvania retard

2019-03-12 03:46:42 UTC

Imagine working at the World Trade Center

2019-03-12 03:46:55 UTC

On September 10th 2003

2019-03-12 03:47:03 UTC

wake up retards

2019-03-12 03:47:05 UTC

Imagine taking out an insurance policy on the WTC before 9/11

2019-03-12 03:47:07 UTC

It was all a time warp

2019-03-12 03:47:09 UTC


2019-03-12 03:47:11 UTC

Done by the CIA

2019-03-12 03:47:33 UTC

The actual attacks happened in 2003

2019-03-12 03:47:44 UTC

Ok Mossad

2019-03-12 03:47:47 UTC

The CIA used a UFO tractor beam to distort time

2019-03-12 03:47:51 UTC


2019-03-12 03:47:56 UTC

@Mart ok HITLER

2019-03-12 03:47:59 UTC


2019-03-12 03:48:01 UTC

why the CIA

2019-03-12 03:48:02 UTC

and not the DOD

2019-03-12 03:48:03 UTC


2019-03-12 03:48:09 UTC


2019-03-12 03:48:12 UTC


2019-03-12 03:48:17 UTC

got anything TO SAY?

2019-03-12 03:48:18 UTC

That's just their Geoengineering messing with your mind

2019-03-12 03:48:28 UTC


2019-03-12 03:48:39 UTC

Your not the man I remember

2019-03-12 03:48:45 UTC

Drinking too much atrazine