Message from @Testimony

Discord ID: 554882317802405888

2019-03-12 04:23:00 UTC

I'm waiting for the sleepy chemicals to kick in

2019-03-12 04:23:02 UTC

I'm 6'2 actually too

2019-03-12 04:23:06 UTC

no joke

2019-03-12 04:23:09 UTC


2019-03-12 04:23:16 UTC

Wheres james

2019-03-12 04:23:17 UTC

>not being 5'9 and being able to crawl in small spaces

2019-03-12 04:23:25 UTC

gg you treelet faggot

2019-03-12 04:23:30 UTC
2019-03-12 04:23:31 UTC

Mmmmm grayons

2019-03-12 04:23:35 UTC

Im 5'1

2019-03-12 04:23:39 UTC


2019-03-12 04:23:41 UTC

@celestialāš” midget mexican

2019-03-12 04:23:45 UTC

2019-03-12 04:23:46 UTC

sweep more floors Cel

2019-03-12 04:23:51 UTC

ooo is she the next mizzy

2019-03-12 04:23:53 UTC

Youre cutting off your hair

2019-03-12 04:23:54 UTC

will i get 1 more shot

2019-03-12 04:23:58 UTC

at fucking gimli

2019-03-12 04:24:05 UTC

Im not mexican but ok

2019-03-12 04:24:11 UTC

what race are you

2019-03-12 04:24:13 UTC

Celestial is Shakti's trans persona

2019-03-12 04:24:16 UTC

i only date cute aryan women

2019-03-12 04:24:26 UTC

Who the fuck are u

2019-03-12 04:24:31 UTC

who the fuck are you

2019-03-12 04:24:36 UTC

yeah Burger who the fuck are you?

2019-03-12 04:24:37 UTC

>in discord

2019-03-12 04:24:38 UTC

don't talk to me like that you 5'1'' orc bitch

2019-03-12 04:24:38 UTC

Im persian german armenin and kike

2019-03-12 04:24:40 UTC

i bet youre super hot

2019-03-12 04:24:44 UTC


2019-03-12 04:24:48 UTC

holy shit

2019-03-12 04:24:49 UTC

Im shaktis friend

2019-03-12 04:24:49 UTC

its mizzy

2019-03-12 04:24:54 UTC

mizzy has a new profile

2019-03-12 04:25:02 UTC

Whose mizzy

2019-03-12 04:25:03 UTC


2019-03-12 04:25:15 UTC

Oops this isnt mandala

2019-03-12 04:25:16 UTC

Hey guys, I'm also a girl

2019-03-12 04:25:20 UTC

like wow funny

2019-03-12 04:25:21 UTC


2019-03-12 04:25:21 UTC

mizzy is the gimli i couldve fucked