Message from @Shakti

Discord ID: 554884469765701682

2019-03-12 04:31:51 UTC

Ava is Ashkanazi

2019-03-12 04:31:56 UTC

hahahah owned

2019-03-12 04:31:58 UTC
2019-03-12 04:31:58 UTC

<:dynoError:314691684455809024> I can't unmute celestial⚡#1038, they aren't muted.

2019-03-12 04:32:00 UTC

But ashkenazi

2019-03-12 04:32:00 UTC

James got pissed on by a nigger

2019-03-12 04:32:10 UTC

Im causcoid blue eyed

2019-03-12 04:32:15 UTC

green eyed*

2019-03-12 04:32:15 UTC


2019-03-12 04:32:17 UTC

Lmao okay retard

2019-03-12 04:32:18 UTC

But not 100% european

2019-03-12 04:32:24 UTC

you're persian

2019-03-12 04:32:26 UTC


2019-03-12 04:32:27 UTC

Pale blue? @celestial⚡

2019-03-12 04:32:31 UTC

Someone post the picture of him with a nig

2019-03-12 04:32:33 UTC

Or deep blue?

2019-03-12 04:32:33 UTC

she has anime eyes

2019-03-12 04:32:36 UTC

Let me post eye pic

2019-03-12 04:32:41 UTC

pls no

2019-03-12 04:32:43 UTC

Eye dox

2019-03-12 04:32:46 UTC

just post a pic of u so they can all sperg about it

2019-03-12 04:32:49 UTC

Gonna hack your phone

2019-03-12 04:32:53 UTC

im gonna post a pic of you

2019-03-12 04:32:54 UTC

retina will hack you bruv

2019-03-12 04:33:12 UTC

2019-03-12 04:33:15 UTC


2019-03-12 04:33:19 UTC

dude dont post my pics

2019-03-12 04:33:20 UTC


2019-03-12 04:33:26 UTC

oh so a dumb bitch, cool

2019-03-12 04:33:27 UTC

dude imagine

2019-03-12 04:33:29 UTC

you thinking

2019-03-12 04:33:31 UTC

too late

2019-03-12 04:33:33 UTC

okay, so we're about to watch the steve irwin animal videos, if anybody would like to join us in mumble and sync watch it with us

2019-03-12 04:33:33 UTC

that anybody gives a fuck

2019-03-12 04:33:34 UTC

say so now

2019-03-12 04:33:40 UTC


2019-03-12 04:33:40 UTC

let's go niggers

2019-03-12 04:33:53 UTC

nobody gives a fuck if you have tits, you look weird and nobody wants to date girls who cut themselves

2019-03-12 04:33:59 UTC

so go back in the shower and start slicing

2019-03-12 04:33:59 UTC

let's get this $1000

2019-03-12 04:34:03 UTC

@bvrgr🍔 can a nigger get an invite?