Message from @GGPL

Discord ID: 555145789131980800

2019-03-12 21:44:37 UTC

it was softcore shit

2019-03-12 21:44:47 UTC

.ban @Capuno cp

2019-03-12 21:44:47 UTC

<:dynoError:314691684455809024> I can't find user @Capuno.

2019-03-12 21:44:54 UTC

he's left

2019-03-12 21:44:58 UTC

2019-03-12 21:45:02 UTC

What a niggrr

2019-03-12 21:46:02 UTC

M0ds r ghey

2019-03-12 21:47:15 UTC

2019-03-12 21:47:30 UTC

Ling ling

2019-03-12 21:50:09 UTC

2019-03-12 21:50:14 UTC

Give us chaos, give us storms, shall this land be reborn.

2019-03-12 21:50:24 UTC

give chicken tendies

2019-03-12 21:50:30 UTC

meanwhile on lefty pol

2019-03-12 21:50:47 UTC

That's normal discord to me.

2019-03-12 21:50:48 UTC

kid getting spammed for 2 hours

2019-03-12 21:50:49 UTC

2019-03-12 21:50:54 UTC

Where all the fags gather.

2019-03-12 21:51:04 UTC

Why else are you and i here?

2019-03-12 21:51:10 UTC


2019-03-12 21:52:45 UTC

2019-03-12 21:52:46 UTC

n w o r d

2019-03-12 21:52:59 UTC

2019-03-12 21:53:08 UTC

ing me to it

2019-03-12 21:53:12 UTC

inv me to that server

2019-03-12 21:54:00 UTC

sounds fun for 5 mins

2019-03-12 21:54:05 UTC

Real FN nato

2019-03-12 21:55:11 UTC

2019-03-12 21:55:12 UTC

they were going for 2 hours

2019-03-12 21:55:54 UTC

gib invite I want to laugh at commies

2019-03-12 21:57:20 UTC

fuck leftypol

2019-03-12 21:57:31 UTC

commie dick sucking trans niggers

2019-03-12 21:57:51 UTC

2019-03-12 21:58:02 UTC

can confirm

2019-03-12 21:58:47 UTC

2019-03-12 21:59:19 UTC

2019-03-12 21:59:24 UTC

tank after failed circumcision ((colorized))

2019-03-12 21:59:38 UTC


2019-03-12 22:00:56 UTC

2019-03-12 22:01:07 UTC

how the fuck