Message from @Xenxc

Discord ID: 555535367231504384

2019-03-13 23:37:58 UTC

.yt YouTube rewaft alibaba

2019-03-13 23:38:05 UTC


2019-03-13 23:38:08 UTC

@smirnoff I made it for this video

2019-03-13 23:38:14 UTC


2019-03-13 23:38:14 UTC

this is shit

2019-03-13 23:38:18 UTC

stop shilling it

2019-03-13 23:38:23 UTC

Stfu kike

2019-03-13 23:38:28 UTC

eat my ass

2019-03-13 23:38:29 UTC

Paid shareblue shill

2019-03-13 23:38:33 UTC


2019-03-13 23:38:36 UTC

it's rewind time

2019-03-13 23:38:40 UTC
2019-03-13 23:38:41 UTC

get out bot

2019-03-13 23:38:43 UTC


2019-03-13 23:38:54 UTC

who is this

2019-03-13 23:38:59 UTC

invited me to some server

2019-03-13 23:39:03 UTC

hasn't talked at all in here

2019-03-13 23:39:04 UTC

Come to hwndu yanek I'll beat your ass

2019-03-13 23:39:12 UTC

black revolver ocelot

2019-03-13 23:39:12 UTC

a fuckin BOT

2019-03-13 23:39:13 UTC


2019-03-13 23:39:18 UTC


2019-03-13 23:39:20 UTC

ye sure

2019-03-13 23:39:21 UTC


2019-03-13 23:39:22 UTC

a fucking GENOME

2019-03-13 23:39:28 UTC


2019-03-13 23:39:42 UTC

thats a bot?

2019-03-13 23:39:56 UTC

I'm in Łódź

2019-03-13 23:39:57 UTC

That or he's trying to recruit people to his shitty server

2019-03-13 23:39:58 UTC

this video is so racist

2019-03-13 23:40:03 UTC

alibaba wtf'

2019-03-13 23:40:03 UTC

I can be there asap

2019-03-13 23:40:13 UTC

that's fucking far away

2019-03-13 23:40:17 UTC

visit ggpl\

2019-03-13 23:40:17 UTC

Dude wait until the jew joek

2019-03-13 23:40:18 UTC


2019-03-13 23:40:31 UTC

@Xenxc send me screencaps of him sending out invites

2019-03-13 23:41:04 UTC

ohh i seen this invite before

2019-03-13 23:41:10 UTC

.ban @Fke

2019-03-13 23:41:10 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Fke#2222 was banned***