Message from @Mart

Discord ID: 555640272500031500

2019-03-14 06:33:17 UTC

@Mart No it is only that small when it is flaccid
I grow a far degree normally
As of late I have just have word out my dick

2019-03-14 06:33:21 UTC

Memory management is a nightmare

2019-03-14 06:33:40 UTC

@Grim Creeper I get being a grower but not to that degree

2019-03-14 06:34:00 UTC

Even when I take speed and my penis shrinks it doesn't look that small

2019-03-14 06:34:11 UTC

I've had many boyfrens whose dicks grow a lot

2019-03-14 06:34:18 UTC

@Testimony gayyyyy

2019-03-14 06:34:23 UTC


2019-03-14 06:34:25 UTC

grim do you have to take a shower every time you pee

2019-03-14 06:34:26 UTC

also isnt the flaccid average around 3 inches

2019-03-14 06:34:28 UTC

True true

2019-03-14 06:34:29 UTC

because you get pee on your balls?

2019-03-14 06:34:54 UTC

Yes I believe so @Double Negative Yan
Sadly I am closer to 2 lol

2019-03-14 06:34:56 UTC

My dick shrinks to 3 or 4 inches when it's cold or I'm on hard stimulants

2019-03-14 06:35:05 UTC

i'd give it a 0.5 or 1

2019-03-14 06:35:21 UTC

Even then I can get up to 8 inches if I'm really in the mood

2019-03-14 06:35:27 UTC

Hardly lol @Spicy

2019-03-14 06:35:34 UTC

imagine posting your small dick in OH

2019-03-14 06:35:38 UTC

@Mart u sure big boi

2019-03-14 06:35:45 UTC

@Grim Creeper you dirty dirty boy

2019-03-14 06:35:47 UTC

If you double 1 inch it's still 2 inches

2019-03-14 06:36:04 UTC

@Testimony I've posted my pee pee in here

2019-03-14 06:36:07 UTC

Imagine being a spic Buddhist with a dot on his forehead

2019-03-14 06:36:08 UTC

Growers are a thing

2019-03-14 06:36:11 UTC

It was a long time ago

2019-03-14 06:36:13 UTC

what is with people and posting their dicks in OH

2019-03-14 06:36:18 UTC

gald I didn't see it

2019-03-14 06:36:31 UTC

@Double Negative Elliot started the trend

2019-03-14 06:36:36 UTC

100% gald

2019-03-14 06:36:45 UTC

You probably still can

2019-03-14 06:36:51 UTC

Based Elliot

2019-03-14 06:36:52 UTC

won't tho

2019-03-14 06:36:56 UTC

Search my posts in NSFW shitposting

2019-03-14 06:37:02 UTC


2019-03-14 06:37:05 UTC

You will tho

2019-03-14 06:37:08 UTC


2019-03-14 06:37:12 UTC

nsfw shitposting got purged

2019-03-14 06:37:13 UTC

how much

2019-03-14 06:37:14 UTC

in the raid

2019-03-14 06:37:17 UTC


2019-03-14 06:37:23 UTC

u owe me now

2019-03-14 06:37:34 UTC