Message from @Testimony

Discord ID: 555957974607331349

2019-03-15 03:35:55 UTC

2019-03-15 03:35:59 UTC

Atomwaffen NZ

2019-03-15 03:36:00 UTC


2019-03-15 03:36:00 UTC

apparently two mosques got hit

2019-03-15 03:36:09 UTC

Rookie numbers

2019-03-15 03:36:09 UTC


2019-03-15 03:36:11 UTC

oh shiet

2019-03-15 03:36:12 UTC

i love how he writes all of the muslim atrocities on his guns

2019-03-15 03:36:13 UTC

so edgy

2019-03-15 03:36:23 UTC

Kebab remover

2019-03-15 03:36:25 UTC

get br@t with my porkie

2019-03-15 03:36:30 UTC

1683 vienna

2019-03-15 03:36:45 UTC

that tactical gunswap was well done too

2019-03-15 03:37:08 UTC

Send em to hell with glycerin

2019-03-15 03:37:53 UTC

Inb4 Trump the boomer makes a statement condemning it

2019-03-15 03:37:59 UTC


2019-03-15 03:38:00 UTC


2019-03-15 03:38:08 UTC

interesting angle Mart

2019-03-15 03:38:13 UTC


2019-03-15 03:38:21 UTC

Inb4 the democrats criticize him for not condemning it fast enough

2019-03-15 03:38:30 UTC


2019-03-15 03:38:30 UTC

there was a car bomb right?

2019-03-15 03:38:31 UTC

did it expl,ode?

2019-03-15 03:38:38 UTC

inb4 mass anti 2a

2019-03-15 03:38:45 UTC

Inb4 they blame candace owens for being a radical nazi

2019-03-15 03:38:48 UTC

They had gas canisters in the trunk

2019-03-15 03:38:50 UTC


2019-03-15 03:38:55 UTC

fucking candance owens

2019-03-15 03:38:56 UTC

wait do other countries condemn attacks in america? why we gotta cuck

2019-03-15 03:39:23 UTC

other than we're the only really important country

2019-03-15 03:39:29 UTC

I'll never be able to listen to the remove kebab song and not think of this based man

2019-03-15 03:39:40 UTC

Cuz were gay

2019-03-15 03:39:41 UTC

@Shakti should i change my pfp?

2019-03-15 03:39:45 UTC


2019-03-15 03:39:54 UTC


2019-03-15 03:40:22 UTC

i just noticed something

2019-03-15 03:40:23 UTC

2019-03-15 03:40:27 UTC

those were bombs in the back of his car

2019-03-15 03:40:31 UTC

I mean to the feds and the media were all guilty by proxy just for not being tranny cucks who walk around with buttplugs in our ass drinking soylent

2019-03-15 03:40:31 UTC


2019-03-15 03:40:36 UTC
