Message from @Mart

Discord ID: 555984664276500483

2019-03-15 05:23:17 UTC

I'm not a fuckin head admin

2019-03-15 05:23:19 UTC

undermods are jannys

2019-03-15 05:23:28 UTC

Or head mod

2019-03-15 05:23:35 UTC

@Mart even ggpl is too much of a poussy to do anything

2019-03-15 05:23:39 UTC

more like

2019-03-15 05:23:39 UTC

he was so alienated from modern life that his only comrades were pepo on a breakaway group of a korean screen printing bbs

2019-03-15 05:23:43 UTC


2019-03-15 05:23:46 UTC

so basically head admin and janny role the same

2019-03-15 05:23:47 UTC


2019-03-15 05:23:51 UTC

and so he signalled at them hard as fuck with a bunch of memes

2019-03-15 05:23:54 UTC

@Double Negative not anymore

2019-03-15 05:23:56 UTC

not so unbelievable imo

2019-03-15 05:23:58 UTC

They're dead

2019-03-15 05:24:11 UTC

anyone here excited for MCC coming to steam?

2019-03-15 05:24:15 UTC


2019-03-15 05:24:16 UTC


2019-03-15 05:24:21 UTC

me and father k are doing campaign marathon

2019-03-15 05:24:22 UTC

cant wait to play reach with my buddies

2019-03-15 05:24:30 UTC

@alan smith lets do a threesome

2019-03-15 05:24:33 UTC

Jannies are disposable mods

2019-03-15 05:24:37 UTC

when it comes to pc

2019-03-15 05:24:38 UTC

who wants to play halo 3 4 player campaign

2019-03-15 05:24:46 UTC

on xbl?

2019-03-15 05:24:49 UTC

no retard

2019-03-15 05:24:50 UTC


2019-03-15 05:24:51 UTC

Undermods are like trial admins

2019-03-15 05:24:52 UTC


2019-03-15 05:24:54 UTC

bro thats gonna be a while

2019-03-15 05:24:56 UTC


2019-03-15 05:25:06 UTC

they say that reach will be the first game released

2019-03-15 05:25:09 UTC

its releasing in chronological order after they buff out the bugs of the last game

2019-03-15 05:25:12 UTC

they said they'd do it chronologically

2019-03-15 05:25:14 UTC


2019-03-15 05:25:18 UTC

dude, halo 1 all the way.

2019-03-15 05:25:20 UTC

so either by release date or story

2019-03-15 05:25:21 UTC

you guys are gay

2019-03-15 05:25:23 UTC

after they debug the port

2019-03-15 05:25:24 UTC

fucking zoomers

2019-03-15 05:25:25 UTC

Halo 3 or die

2019-03-15 05:25:27 UTC
