Message from @juhla-mokka

Discord ID: 555985707366350855

2019-03-15 05:27:24 UTC

i'm going to buy the first copy of halo 4

2019-03-15 05:27:25 UTC

But they had a challenge where you get $5 free for playing the mcc

2019-03-15 05:27:28 UTC

and stick i t up my ass

2019-03-15 05:27:29 UTC

2 > 1 > everything else in the halo franchise

2019-03-15 05:27:45 UTC

father k doesnt have friends thats why he doesnt play multiplayer

2019-03-15 05:27:56 UTC

3>ODST>2>1>5>>>>>>>>>everything else

2019-03-15 05:28:04 UTC

5 was actually fun

2019-03-15 05:28:12 UTC

@juhla-mokka ur a retard if u think everything is better than reach

2019-03-15 05:28:12 UTC

father k likes to pretend that he's smart by using 3 syllable words but he's black and listens to nigger music. and also legit gay butt sex haver

2019-03-15 05:28:13 UTC


2019-03-15 05:28:15 UTC


2019-03-15 05:28:16 UTC


2019-03-15 05:28:17 UTC

halo reach has the best multiplayer

2019-03-15 05:28:18 UTC

Reach is garbage

2019-03-15 05:28:23 UTC

forge world is the best multiplayer map

2019-03-15 05:28:25 UTC

The maps fucking blow

2019-03-15 05:28:26 UTC

sexy female mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm @juhla-mokka

2019-03-15 05:28:28 UTC

.yt halo 2 prophets cutscenes

2019-03-15 05:28:36 UTC

reach is the worst game i have played on x360

2019-03-15 05:28:42 UTC

The HD remaster is awful

2019-03-15 05:28:43 UTC

To me

2019-03-15 05:28:46 UTC

.yt father k is too gay to play jailbreak on reach

2019-03-15 05:28:46 UTC

ur just bad san

2019-03-15 05:29:03 UTC

its the most boring game i have ever played

2019-03-15 05:29:09 UTC

@Gordon Frohman can u post pics i send u

2019-03-15 05:29:11 UTC

if reach is the worst game you played on 360 you definitely didnt play much on 360

2019-03-15 05:29:16 UTC


2019-03-15 05:29:29 UTC

played enough to see that its fucking terrible

2019-03-15 05:29:36 UTC

Reach is awful tbh

2019-03-15 05:29:39 UTC

Always hated it

2019-03-15 05:29:42 UTC

talking about mcc

2019-03-15 05:29:44 UTC

reach is overrated i agree

2019-03-15 05:29:54 UTC

I bought it on launch day too

2019-03-15 05:30:01 UTC

Even played the beta

2019-03-15 05:30:02 UTC

reach literally has everygame mod and the best forge

2019-03-15 05:30:09 UTC

breaking news

2019-03-15 05:30:10 UTC

san has shit taste

2019-03-15 05:30:18 UTC

the only reason dislike reach is that they feel the art style is (too realistic)

2019-03-15 05:30:24 UTC

i remember staying up with my friends and spending hours in forge