Message from @juhla-mokka

Discord ID: 555988862044733461

2019-03-15 05:39:47 UTC

was the best ever

2019-03-15 05:39:49 UTC

now it's cucked

2019-03-15 05:39:54 UTC

you don't know shit about gaming

2019-03-15 05:39:56 UTC

*sparten laser

2019-03-15 05:40:02 UTC

Have you made an avatar lately?

2019-03-15 05:40:05 UTC

It's awful

2019-03-15 05:40:07 UTC


2019-03-15 05:40:09 UTC


2019-03-15 05:40:10 UTC

I was nearly pro at Halo 3

2019-03-15 05:40:11 UTC

the only multiplayer halo i ever played was halo 1 blood gulch split screen with my brother and friends

2019-03-15 05:40:23 UTC


2019-03-15 05:40:27 UTC


2019-03-15 05:40:34 UTC

true gamer

2019-03-15 05:40:41 UTC

I studied the entire guide and knew every single weapon spawn on every map

2019-03-15 05:40:47 UTC

@Gordon Frohman does the mcc on console carry over your ranks from halo 3 from the xbox 360?

2019-03-15 05:40:55 UTC

.yt halo 3 icicle jump

2019-03-15 05:40:55 UTC

i dont know

2019-03-15 05:40:59 UTC

made a new xbox acc

2019-03-15 05:41:02 UTC

wrong video wtf

2019-03-15 05:41:14 UTC

Campaign was just plasma pistol and battle rifle

2019-03-15 05:41:24 UTC

Nearly kills every enemy

2019-03-15 05:41:35 UTC

And yes, it does

2019-03-15 05:41:38 UTC

I believe so

2019-03-15 05:41:42 UTC

u will never be this pro

2019-03-15 05:41:57 UTC

Wait, I actually don't know

2019-03-15 05:42:05 UTC

I think it has a new universal ranking system

2019-03-15 05:42:13 UTC

But all armor is unlocked at the start

2019-03-15 05:42:48 UTC

The service record might be a separate thing

2019-03-15 05:43:37 UTC

@juhla-mokka thats fucking stinky

2019-03-15 05:43:40 UTC

whats the point

2019-03-15 05:43:40 UTC

have you played mcc on the xbox one?

2019-03-15 05:43:50 UTC

armour in halo 3 showed how much experience you have visually

2019-03-15 05:43:56 UTC
2019-03-15 05:43:58 UTC

Bungie has all the shit

2019-03-15 05:44:01 UTC

if they do that to reach ill actually kill myself

2019-03-15 05:44:07 UTC


2019-03-15 05:44:12 UTC

everyone fucking haveing johns voice running around with a skull helmet

2019-03-15 05:44:13 UTC

have you played mcc on xbone

2019-03-15 05:44:20 UTC
