Message from @alan smith

Discord ID: 555993980559425558

2019-03-15 06:00:03 UTC

poor candace

2019-03-15 06:00:05 UTC

i've run into several ditches

2019-03-15 06:00:06 UTC

invading his country

2019-03-15 06:00:11 UTC

2019-03-15 06:00:14 UTC


2019-03-15 06:00:23 UTC

it was a subaru forester @bvrgr🍔

2019-03-15 06:00:36 UTC

it looked like an outback 2007 wagon

2019-03-15 06:00:48 UTC

was that the interior you posted before

2019-03-15 06:00:50 UTC

i do hope he gets life

2019-03-15 06:00:53 UTC


2019-03-15 06:01:05 UTC

it's too low for a forester

2019-03-15 06:01:05 UTC

oh shit

2019-03-15 06:01:07 UTC

foresters are taller

2019-03-15 06:01:09 UTC

maybe your right

2019-03-15 06:01:17 UTC

the sterner the prison sentence the better the anglo-optics

2019-03-15 06:01:17 UTC

@alan smith apparently he wasnt a lone actor

2019-03-15 06:01:21 UTC

and other mosques nearby got shot up too

2019-03-15 06:01:26 UTC

the death sentence just shows mass killers that their actions are justified ie killing is acceptable under circumstances

2019-03-15 06:01:29 UTC

only 1 other

2019-03-15 06:01:33 UTC

2019-03-15 06:01:34 UTC
2019-03-15 06:01:35 UTC

pdf version

2019-03-15 06:01:38 UTC

for your viewing pleasure

2019-03-15 06:02:25 UTC

@Double Negative you sure he was a lone actor? I thought its being reported there's a group of like 4-5

2019-03-15 06:02:30 UTC

this is what happens when theres double standards and makes people feel that muslims get specialist treatment

2019-03-15 06:02:35 UTC

thats why theres a hatred there

2019-03-15 06:02:37 UTC

@wamps i just said he wasnt

2019-03-15 06:02:40 UTC


2019-03-15 06:02:42 UTC

my b

2019-03-15 06:02:44 UTC


2019-03-15 06:02:49 UTC

its not muslims fault, its the people that give them the special treatment

2019-03-15 06:03:00 UTC

what an edgelord

2019-03-15 06:03:01 UTC

the ideology is at fault

2019-03-15 06:03:04 UTC

this will overall cause more sympathy for muslims

2019-03-15 06:03:07 UTC

not muslim individuals

2019-03-15 06:03:07 UTC

The double standard is going to be apparent in the media fallout

2019-03-15 06:03:10 UTC

it's a shill opp

2019-03-15 06:03:19 UTC

>Gamers rise up

2019-03-15 06:03:21 UTC

and shed more light on internet memesters

2019-03-15 06:03:24 UTC

gang weed

2019-03-15 06:03:26 UTC

and gamers