Message from @D3VNT
Discord ID: 279724928914292738
It's essentially LSD
lol just try not to get caught
Fuck the drone then
YOu know what, I'm used to the effects
how about we just make a yellow bloc and have nboner "molotovs"
I'll just go up to them like "fuck yeah, fuck the nazis!" and insert blotters
What if we just get a shitload of barbwire or razorwire and trap them all in like a herd
then they just start bringing wire cutters
They're sheep in mind, not in body.
That'd probbly be a lot less illegal than forcefeeding them all acid
we need something unconventional that can be used a few times
Arm mind controlled niggers with LSD smoke grenades in order to combat the hoard of screaming communists on your front lawn
Certainly doesn't violate my NAP.
how about we grab riotshields and tape syringes to sticks like some sort of cyberpunk spear then sparta their asses down some city block
I love that old woman
>Having brainwashed friends and not spending over 6 years very, very slowly redpilling them
I play the long game, friendo
But most of my friends don't give two fucks about antifa or protests, they just want jobs and the ability to make rent
all of my friends were conservative
I was the lefty
I'm sure they're mostly cuckservatives though
but I haven't hung out with people in over a year
Again, GoT said it well
@Yuma County bruuuhhh that pic is ebin
Amidst a political struggle, the common man just wants food in his belly.
>tfw used to be libertarian socialist (I know, it's retarded) but then you redpilled yourself once you learned about economics
And I'll be back in about an hour.
In the course of 2016 I went from "Man communism will work when we get post scarcity" to liberal libertarian to semi conservative libertarian to "Fascism is preferable to communism and might not be so bad"
Communism will never work as we do not live in a universe where scarcity will merely cease to exist
We do not have infinitely available matter or energy
therefore there is scarcity
I don't think we live in a universe where scarcity will cease but it's far farther off than the commies think AND EVEN THEN I am absolutely positive should we live in a post scarcity universe that capitalism will still work better
you can always have more luxuries