Message from @Caustic

Discord ID: 522581272263000065

2018-12-13 01:07:54 UTC  


2018-12-13 01:07:58 UTC  

i didnt

2018-12-13 01:08:10 UTC  


2018-12-13 01:08:10 UTC  

spic is jealous

2018-12-13 01:08:32 UTC  

im really good at chemistry

2018-12-13 01:08:40 UTC  

thats the most noteable one there

2018-12-13 01:08:56 UTC  

if I studied it more I could have easily gotten over 80

2018-12-13 01:09:00 UTC  

you got a 78

2018-12-13 01:09:05 UTC  

yeah I know

2018-12-13 01:09:13 UTC  

that’s not great

2018-12-13 01:09:14 UTC  

post people dont even pass

2018-12-13 01:09:16 UTC  

My English is top tier

2018-12-13 01:09:19 UTC  

yes it is

2018-12-13 01:09:25 UTC  


2018-12-13 01:09:26 UTC  

u have no idea what our exams are

2018-12-13 01:10:00 UTC  

78 it is pretty fucking good for only studying the morning before the exam

2018-12-13 01:10:40 UTC  

apparently a lot of Australians come to the states because degrees in the US are more highly regarded, so I don’t think your exams are that special

2018-12-13 01:10:59 UTC  

sorry bub

2018-12-13 01:11:02 UTC  

youre comparing two diffrent things

2018-12-13 01:11:20 UTC  

I had a 104 grade for English

2018-12-13 01:11:24 UTC  

no they only go there bc they want to go overseas

2018-12-13 01:11:30 UTC  


2018-12-13 01:11:33 UTC  


2018-12-13 01:11:48 UTC  

I know Australians that came here for school

2018-12-13 01:11:49 UTC  

bc they have a chance to live in america while studying

2018-12-13 01:11:55 UTC  


2018-12-13 01:12:09 UTC  


2018-12-13 01:12:37 UTC  

I know an Australian that works in a bike shop, and was ex-military, ranger that is

2018-12-13 01:12:44 UTC  

nice blog

2018-12-13 01:12:56 UTC  

Says the one that posted their scores

2018-12-13 01:12:56 UTC  

shuddup blogger

2018-12-13 01:13:07 UTC  

And wants to fuck traps

2018-12-13 01:13:13 UTC  

they arent even my proudest achievements

2018-12-13 01:13:13 UTC  


2018-12-13 01:13:23 UTC  

we know

2018-12-13 01:13:30 UTC  

your combat boots are

2018-12-13 01:13:45 UTC  

I got a high distinction in an national chemistry quiz 2 years in a row

2018-12-13 01:13:57 UTC  

that exam was the hardest exam ive ever done it my life

2018-12-13 01:14:08 UTC  

no u

2018-12-13 01:14:37 UTC  

everyone else got participations

2018-12-13 01:15:30 UTC  

d, I won’t do drugs
a, won’t have an attitude
r, I will respect myself
e, I will educate me