Message from @MGTOW INDIAN

Discord ID: 531834338527019018

2019-01-07 13:33:53 UTC  

i used to spend a lot of precious time on it, so i just turn the switch off

2019-01-07 13:34:17 UTC  

Yes all addictions are negatives

2019-01-07 13:35:43 UTC  

all the major changes are in your head, same thing with porn

2019-01-07 13:36:17 UTC  

@PhoenixK7PB I will give you that I try to fap no porn as much as possible, it is mental cocaine

2019-01-07 13:38:53 UTC  

try to stay away from porn for 2 weeks... see if you can

2019-01-07 13:42:21 UTC  

I actually rarely watch porn, it's really over stimulating, I use my imagination usually, also it's easier to one and done when there's no external stimulant

2019-01-07 13:44:23 UTC  

agree, usually when i relapse (and i relapse a lot) i do it whitout porn too

2019-01-07 13:44:54 UTC  

@PhoenixK7PB I see, so you start having changes after about a week. I'll try 3 days first, see how it goes.

2019-01-07 13:45:01 UTC  

Thanks for the info mate!

2019-01-07 13:46:56 UTC  

Do that m8, if you want (and i think its more easy that way) you can PM me about your journey, if you cant do 3 days easy, i would say you need some help

2019-01-07 13:47:46 UTC  

I agree change is possible in a week, also if you are heavily addicted expect the first 3 days to be the hardest (pun intended?)

2019-01-07 13:49:36 UTC  

If you are changing your habits make sure you are busy. If you sit with nothing to do for 3 hours you are going to spend the whole 3 hours wanting to fap. If you are going to change habits now is a good time to work on a small side project or at least picking up a new netflix series and cleaning your kitchen.

2019-01-07 13:49:58 UTC  


2019-01-07 13:51:20 UTC  

totally agree, go to the gym, learn a progamming language, learn 1 cook recipe a day, do something else

2019-01-07 13:56:48 UTC  

Spend 3 hours wanting to fap? Shit, more like all day and night

2019-01-07 13:56:58 UTC  

Doesnt means I do though

2019-01-07 13:57:41 UTC  

@Rhunespire do you think there is genuinely any advantages of nofap

2019-01-07 13:58:38 UTC  

That's purely subjective

2019-01-07 13:59:21 UTC  

Medically, regular masturbation is good for the psyche. Excessive masturbation provided no benefit due to diminishing returns from the endorphin rush

2019-01-07 13:59:30 UTC  


2019-01-07 13:59:47 UTC  

@Rhunespire I see ,thanks for the reply.

2019-01-07 14:00:18 UTC  

Those that adhere to no fap are imo typically all monk mode

2019-01-07 14:01:55 UTC  

Weirdest thing just happened I was watching a youtube video focused on financial data, and at the end the guy just stated he was not mgtow for no apparent reason, mass awareness is upon us

2019-01-07 14:03:18 UTC  

one problem is fapping and not eating pussy...

2019-01-07 14:04:58 UTC  

@Rhunespire I am always in monk mode, until the puss is thrown then I just blame fate and smash and dash

2019-01-07 14:05:37 UTC  

pump n dump right?

2019-01-07 14:06:32 UTC  

@PhoenixK7PB yes I am not proud of it either, but when it's really easy I feel like I will beat myself up later If I don't act

2019-01-07 14:06:50 UTC  

Like I will just feel like an idiot the next time I fap

2019-01-07 14:07:54 UTC  


2019-01-07 14:09:22 UTC  

@PhoenixK7PB to be real though I am well aware that only the worst kind of woman comes on to a man in the ways that I hook up usually, I think as I get older I will be 100% munk

2019-01-07 14:09:37 UTC  

@Reaper that's upto you and anyone when given the opportunity honestly

2019-01-07 14:10:30 UTC  

Where i live its normal to "pump n dump" even on non-mgtow man

2019-01-07 14:11:10 UTC  

@Rhunespire problem is as time goes on when I finish with one of these thots I get that feeling, you know the one where your your busting a nut and the porn flips to a shot of the guys face... utter shame

2019-01-07 14:12:20 UTC  

as older you gets, woman will be losing their "powers", what you think?

2019-01-07 14:12:43 UTC  

@PhoenixK7PB yes both when they get older and as you get older

2019-01-07 14:13:07 UTC  

My sex drive is slightly lower and I think much clearer now that I'm in my 30's

2019-01-07 14:13:44 UTC  

Hey does anyone floating in here happen to have an unusual amount of knowledge about martial arts?

2019-01-07 14:14:24 UTC  

i have some docs about it, and some .onion links @Kragt

2019-01-07 14:14:46 UTC  

@Kragt I have actually studied/trained in a few disciplines, I was never huge on the spiritual side though

2019-01-07 14:17:57 UTC  

Sweet @Reaper That is closer to what I was looking for.
I am planning to try and pick up one for 6 months for a couple of reasons:
Change up my work out routine
Study the benefits of sparring for male bonding
Self-Defense in the extremely unlikely event I need it
and to give me more oppotunities to practice disciplining myself.
My backwater little town actually has a few dojos/training centers.
I am mostly looking for advice between the options I have onto which one would be best for me.
Krav Maga
Muai Thai
are my options. I will have 6 months to practice whichever one I sign up for.

2019-01-07 14:18:52 UTC  

@Reaper make sence, at your 20s your prefrontal cortex becomes "better" (if u want, search by myelination and synaptic pruning), so yah, you think a bit clearer